Bri’ish lyrics
by ZFM
Oy mate
Oy, uh you broke my f*ckin' teapot mate when you came over here
Oy I would never do such a thing!
No I don't appreciate you coming to my f*cking loft
And breaking my f*ckin' teapot mate!
Oy bruv I would never do such a thing!
I think you have the wrong guy!
No no no no
I got the right guy, you broke my f*cking teapot
You need to come over c*nt!
That's Australian
[Verse 1]
I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle and
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Tip me over and
Pour me out!
I'm a clever teapot
Yes it's true
Here let me show you
What I can do
I take, f*ck
Oy bruv I'm here, what you want mate?
I wanna have a little chat about you
Breaking my goddamn teapot!
Oy bruv I said I didn't break your teapot!
That's it you've screwed the pooch now mate
En garde!
Alright mate!
Nothin' like a little bit o' one on one!
I said don't mess bruv!
You shouldn't have broken my teapot mate
Oy bruv, I broke your teapot
I f*ckin' knew it mate
Now you deserve to die
You f*ckin' wanker