Creation story essay lyrics
by Michel’le
Greek had an hero archetype know as Zeus. The way he is an hero is from saving his brothers by giving his dad Cronus, a special drink to vomit them out from his stomach. They also had a villain archetype which was obviously his father, Cronus. He is the villain because he ate 5 of his children, (one got saved and taken to an island.) As for the Genesis they also had a hero archetype it was god. he was the hero because he created earth for us, gave light, and gave us fruit and beautiful gardens. There was also a villain archetype,the snake. The snake is the villain because he tricked Adam and eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree.
Now for the archetypes that were different father and son rivalry which only one happened in Greek mythology. the battle was against Zeus and Cronus. For when Zeus gave his dad a special drink and for genesis there was a sibling rivalry. Cain and Abel were Adams and eves children. Cain got really jealous of Abel because god chose Abel's food and not his. So one night Cain woke up Abel telling him he saw something outside, Abel woke up and went outside with Cain all of a sudden Cain came behind Abel and killed him.