Week 11 reading journal lyrics
by Michel’le
i read a book called "into the wild" its all about a guy doing good deeds and the next thing you know his body is found died and decomposed in the cold forest.
Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan are both great basketball players. but Micheal Jordan was the best compared to Kobe . Steven Hawking won because his rap were way better.
what i read today was a book called "Deep and Dark and Dangerous". in the story Ali and Emma had a really complicated and crazy relationship in the middle of the story.compare and contrast: Hispanics, blacks and whites.
Compare: Hispanics and Blacks and whites all LOVE to dance. They all have have different ways to dance. They all have different ways to dance.
Contrast: Hispanics like listening to the sound of the piano and bongos unlike the white people which they like the electric guitar and the black people which they liked the drums.
at library.
what i read today was a book called the Dark Knight. in the book batman lives in the city of Gotham city. undercover no one knowing his identity... AT ALL! he lives in a big mansion all alone with his good friend which is also his butler; Alfred.
what i read today is about a girl and her two friends. they were in high school lucy and mary are my closets friends, im carrie.