The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 1 (To Harriet) lyrics
by Lord Byron
To Harriet [1]
Harriet! to see such Circ*mspection, [2]
In Ladies I have no objection
Concerning what they read;
An ancient Maid's a sage adviser,
Like her, you will be much the wiser,
In word, as well as Deed.
But Harriet, I don't wish to flatter,
And really think 't would make the matter
More perfect if not quite,
If other Ladies when they preach,
Would certain Damsels also teach
More cautiously to write.
[Footnote 1: From an autograph MS. at Newstead, now for the first time printed.]
[Footnote 2: See the poem "To Marion," and 'note', p. 129. It would seem that J. T. Becher addressed some flattering lines to Byron with reference to a poem concerning Harriet Maltby, possibly the lines "To Marion." The following note was attached by Miss Pigot to these stanzas, which must have been written on another occasion:—
"I saw Lord B. was flattered by John Becher's lines, as he read
'Apollo', etc., with a peculiar smile and emphasis; so out of fun,
to vex him a little, I said,
'Apollo! He should have said Apollyon.'
'Elizabeth! for Heaven's sake don't say so again! I don't mind you telling me so; but if any one else got hold of the word, I should never hear the end of it.'
So I laughed at him, and dropt it, for he was red with agitation."]