Please do not speak to me between 3 and 8 AM
I can't relate to you humans
On any terms but my own
Defined by my lifestyle and how I've grown
I gladly postpone my meetings with daylight
So I can fight my demons by the moonlight
I might be a sailor scout, but not quite Tha Coolest Guy
You try to define me and find me shy;
But not from self-destruction
Pressing that button, that is my limited function
I couldn't be any gayer and deader if I tried
Sucking di*k and committing suicide
I have no pride, no shame, and no scruples
Tho I don't hide, don't Bane-post, or shoot schools
Just eat noodles, and say n*gga more than anyone else
I have no good excuses for myself
I am not what you wanted to hear
Unless your whole world's gotten too f*ckin' weird:
That's when I will appear
And tell you it's all f*cked
Just give it all up and come play in the muck
That I'm draggin' on up from the sewers and sprayin'
All over on everyone--yuck!
I'm kinda like a superhero, with all the powers of Brother Nero
Got that broken brilliance;
Once you die inside then it all starts to make sense
I'm kinda like a superhero, with all the powers of Brother Nero
Got that broken brilliance;
Once you die inside then it all starts to make sense
You don't get my references?
That's all right
I'm sure someone will post this sh*t on Genius
I'd update it myself if I have to
I just like being understood, that's all
I mean rap is kinda like a coded language, but
I got the decryption key so, whatever