OLD SAYING$ lyrics
by Obijuan
If you're head is hard you won't learn a thing or two
So take time and listen listen now to me
It's better to be safe than to be sorry
You see
We're talkin bout them old people
And I know y'all ga say - -
Oh the young people ga say
"Oh them old people dey een know what they talkin bout"
Well let me tell ya
Them old people know what they was talkin bout
Like don't spit in the wind cause it ga blow back in ya face
Being poor may be a setback not a disgrace
Blow ya nose where you catch ya cold
And just because it glitters don't mean it's gold
Pearly white teeth don't mean true smile
And if ya spare the rod you spoil the child
And we all know what gern on now
We been sparing the road too long!
So listen
Them old people know what they was talkin bout
Trust me
Even though they were lookin for they pipe
And it was right in they mouth
They know what they was talkin bout
Trust me
Yes indeed