Psalm 135 lyrics
by Poor Bishop Hooper
Praise the Lord
Praise the name of the Lord
Give praise, O servants of the Lord
Who stand in the house of the Lord
In the courts of the house of our God
Oh, oh, praise the Lord
Oh, oh, for He is good
Oh, oh, sing to His name
For I know the Lord, He is great
Our Lord is above
Whatever He pleases He does
On Earth and in Heaven
He brings forth the wind
It was He who struck down Egypt
Against Pharaoh and his servants
Who struck down many nations
And gave their land as heritage
Oh, oh, praise thе Lord
Oh, oh, for He is good
Oh, oh, sing to His name
For I know the Lord, Hе is great
The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands
They have mouths, but they don't speak
They have ears, but they do not hear
But you who fear the Lord, bless the Lord
You who fear the Lord
Oh, oh, praise the Lord
Oh, oh, for He is good
Oh, oh, sing to His name
For I know the Lord, He is great