Psalm 139 lyrics
by Poor Bishop Hooper
Lord, You have searched me
Lord, You have known me
You know when I sit
You know when I rise
You discern my thoughts
Even from afar
You see my going out and
You see my lying down and
You are aquainted
With all my ways
Before a word is on my tongue
You know it altogether
You hem me in, behind and before
You lay Your hand upon me
This knowledge is too wonderful for me
This knowledge is too wonderful for me
O where can I go
From Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee
From Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven
Still You are there
If I make my bed in the depths
Or take the wings of the morning
If I settle on the far side
On the side of the sea
Even there Your hand
Will lay hold of me
Even darkness is not dark to You
The night is bright as the day
For darkness is as light to You
The darkness is as light to You
Delicate, You formed me
You knit my inner parts
You wove me in the womb
I will give thanks to You
For I am fearfully
And wonderfully made
My frame, it wasn't hidden
When I was made in the secret
Your eyes beheld my substance
And in Your book all was written
Every moment was ordained
Before there passed a single day
How precious are Your thoughts to me
How vast the sum of them
If I should try and count them
They would outnumber the sand
I am still with You, You're still with me
Whenever I awake
Search me, O God
And know my heart
Try me and know my anxious thoughts
See the grevious ways in me
And lead in the path everlasting
Lead me into everlasting life