I have often dreamed of lying on a beach... lyrics
by Madonna
I have often dreamed of lying on a beach, completely naked. It's late in the afternoon and the sun is still blazing but it's less cruel now. I'm slightly drunk and a fly is buzzing around my body, tickling my arms and face. My skin is warm from the sun and there is so much heat coming off my body that I must lie close to the water so the waves can lap at me and cool my limbs. The roar of the ocean is in my ears and the sand is shifting beneath me. Sometimes the water comes up to my knees and sometimes up to my c*nt, rushing in and assaulting me, thеn running away mischievously. My pubic hair glistens like a wеt spider web.
I am open. I am on display to the sea and suddenly I smell heliotrope and jasmine and a shadow looms over me and there stands the most beautiful girl, skin glistening with oil. Long hair and a shy smile. She has come to see if I'm okay. She kneels down beside me but I pretend I'm sleeping and I don't move. She puts her ear on my breast and listens. Satisfied with my heartbeat she starts to rise, but her eye is caught by my ruby earrings glistening in the sun and she reaches to touch one sitting on my ear like a drop of blood.
I quickly grab her hand. At first she's startled but when I smile she laughs, realizing I've been pretending. She doesn't move away. She moves closer and I can feel her soft breath on my skin. The flies are buzzing and the sky is golden and her smell is intoxicating. She doesn't take her eyes away from mine.
She asks me if I'm all right and I tell her I'm thirsty so she playfully grabs a hand full of the sea and splashes it on my face. I pull her down on the sand with me and I tickle her until she's in a fit of laughter, and before I can even blink she has leaned up and kissed me-like a naughty schoolgirl with her soft pink lips. A warm sensation starts expanding in my belly. I stare into her eyes and she is fearless.
I'm on all fours now and the sun is beating down on my back and the waves are teasing our legs. She doesn't move so I shift my weight and I'm straddling her, directly above her, and small beads of sweat trickle off my neck. One lands on her neck so I lean down and lick it off. Again I am met by a penetrating stare, inviting me to do as I please. So I lean down to kiss her lips, already parted, and we eat each other hungrily, taking turns to explore one another's mouth with our tongues. Her teeth are like miniature pieces of china that I am feasting from. She bites my lip a little too hard and I punish her by pulling away.
After what seems like an eternity of staring I move up over her, brushing my breasts against her face. She grabs the with her hands, gripping the firmly and guiding my nipples into her mouth one at a time. Sucking on them, licking them, biting them.
Suddenly the wetness between my legs has nothing to do with the waves that are bathing us. My pus*y is soaked from within and I want her to touch me and feel my aching. I move back to kiss her and yank up the long T-shirt she wears as a dress. I discover she's wearing no underwear. Suddenly her finger finds my pus*y and she is finger f*cking me and playing with my clit and giggling.
I tell her she'll make me come in a second if she doesn't stop and she replies,