無重力になって (Becoming Weightless) lyrics
by JubyPhonic
無重力になって なって
Mujuuryoku ni natte natte
Become weightless and weightless
Sora ni ochite yuku ki ga suru kara
Because I feel as if I am falling to the sky
そのままに そのままに
Sono mama ni sono mama ni
Left as is, left as is
Kokoro ni mi wo makasete
Falling as if my heart
しまうように しまうように 落ちてく
Shimau you ni shimau you ni ochiteku
Would leave, would leave its body
そこは どん底 どん底
Soko wa donzoko donzoko
Deep, deep down there
ようこそ 宇宙のむこう側
Youkoso uchuu no mukou-gawa
Welcome to the other side of universe