by 4D Monster Lobsters
Part of it is real
Soon you'll see
I can't talk now
Maybe later
Somewhere I believe
It exists
SpacePETS, oh, please
Lead me to this
All those topless hills bottomless pits
Will be searched and seen by the blind kids
All those acid seas and iron trees
Are trying to live in my dreams
Secret missions, bad dreams are waiting for me
Space PETS did call me this very morning
My Black Sea will eat me soon I'll leave
Saddest morning will turn into something big x2
Old relationships and differences
We don't know what our own preference is
We are not as fine as we just seem
I'm a ghost but I am always seen
Tell me what's my purpose what's my goal
Show me screenplays I'll show you my role
Bound to be dead found my only hope
Give your concepts to the holly ghost
Secret missions, bad dreams are waiting for me
Space PETS did call me this very morning
My Black Sea will eat me soon I'll leave
Saddest morning will turn into something big x5