RG Interview #5: Fresh Air lyrics
by Rap Genius
How did you start rapping?
I started writing poems when I was 10 and my teacher said I was good, so from 10 to 14 I wrote poetry. When I turned 15 I decided to start writing raps instead of poetry. But before I started to write songs I decided I was gonna learn how to produce first. After making 10 or so Fruity Loop beats I got my Maschine and my first Mic and I started rapping. 3 years later and a lot of bad recordings I am here finally releasing my first project, TFOA
Who are your musical influence?
The music that inspired the most recently would be Dizzee Rascal, mainly his albums Boy in da Corner and Showtime. Another influence to me is the band The Fall of Troy, mainly their album Manipulator
Tell us how The Feel came about
I don’t have too many interesting stories for me real songs (have a lot of fun stories for songs that will probably never be released), but when I decided I was gonna make TFOA, it was gonna be a 12 track project. I already had the 12 songs picked and started writing. During this whole time I would listen to instrumentals from the two producers I used for it. One day I was riding home from school and this one beat I haven’t heard came on. I started to freestyle the first verse (which later became the first 4 bars of the song) and thought of the hook on the first listen, I had to repeat that over and over again so I wouldn’t forget during my 25 minute ride home
How do you feel about your ranking?
I’m fine with it, I personally like the songs I did on TFOA better because they have more focus. Though Lace The Beat is one of my favorite songs I wrote just to rap
Do you have any other projects in the works as of now?
Well for rapping, TFOA has been my focus for a while right now and I kind wanna make an attempt to push it. On the producer side of me, I am working on making an instrumental tape of me scoring a video game that doesn’t exist, and I’m really excited about that
What do you have to say to your fans and your voters?
Thank you a lot, and check out TFOA if you haven’t!
Where do you want to eventually end up in terms of your music?
It really doesn’t matter where I end up in music, as long as I can keep on making it without being homeless