Ode to the thou art loosed booty gangbangers who go to have it the players who screw women for fun and the women who give it up to get someone or something to get paid just because. I'm a catholic that was not raised on street mentality who felt raped by men and verbally betrayed by women who believed the only way to feel secure was to have sex before marriage. The street mentality that believes having it transfers transsexual diseases that can't be cured is okay with them it pays the rent until they get hit up with a baby and become religiously celebrant. Us catholic believe no sex before marriage. I was not having sex like the girls I knew I was hurt by their gossip I was being true to myself. I wanted to be a nun. A nun in their street jargon was not sacred because every girl was giving it up but not me. I was living my life like Holy Mary who their mentality was a sin. I was go twenty a virgin unmarried. At fifty I'm still not hitched so the church wondering if I'm like to lay low called a woman who doesn't sell herself short to anyone. I am self reliant self sufficient independent woman. I was afraid of loving men who couldn't respect me for who I am so I never bothered with him not wanting a commitment through marriage. A women who can't bare children who lost all her children likes to be alone for she was left broken hearted too many time on her own by the one man she trusted her heart with and destroyed her soul. While most men just want you to pay them for bearing their son