RG Reviews - Mac Miller’s Circles lyrics
by Rap Genius
Mac Miller’s first and seemingly only body of posthumously-released work received, in general, garnered positive reviews from the community. Discounting those who only had to say that they just didn’t really like Miller’s overall style, (which is a completely fair opinion), this is what users had to say. Most liked how well the record was produced, giving credit to producer Jon Brion for giving a true emulation of what Miller’s sound was. They liked how it was different sounding from Mac’s previous works, drifting in a more acoustic, sing-songy style than what had previously been seen from the Pittsburgh MC. Many also like the raw emotion that was packed into songs like “Good News,” and the jazzy influences seen on tracks like “Blue World.” Mainly, the community enjoyed how honest the listen was. The album really felt like a true peek into what Mac’s psyche was in the time leading up to his death, which was eerily comforting for many people who cared for him and his art.