Erwin Schrodinger vs Ivan Pavlov lyrics
by Epic Rap Batles of History
[Intro: The Announcer]
[Verse 1: Erwin Schrödinger]
I used to feel pride about the fact that I had one
Seems with Nobel prizes they let anybody grab one
But I'll be clear, no matter what you pioneered in
Your accolades mean nothing when you're up against Erwin!
I've studied superpositions but you're a rare find
You're getting crushed and defeated at the same time
And a version of me always has the stamina over
To keep you ever beaten in a perpetual Pavlova!
The Soviеts should've seen about your research's dismantlеment
But I'll make sure to rap it up; I'm good at entanglement
Get some first hand research as a scientist must
And check your gastric reaction to a case of deez nuts!
[Verse 2: Ivan Pavlov]
Are you done now? What a snore…
Did you base that on the works of Dr. Bohr?
You talk relative states and by all means, test it
I dare you to find one where your rapping is less sh*t
Your whole field is just guesswork and approximates
The physics version of a philosophy doctorate
So be careful, don’t choke as I give you a summary
Of what's actually considered scientific discovery
*Ding* You think your work was an approach to Divinity
*Ding* That's what your mom said when I took her virginity
*Ding* You're a fraudulent clout seeking pest!
*Ding* Why are you looking distressed?
[Verse 3: Erwin Schrödinger]
I think the Nobel committee must've scammed you
I've seen better conditioners next to my shampoo
Your biggest contribution wasn't scientific anyway
You just introduced a tool for spicing up the puppy play!
When it comes to the butchering of organs
People tend to ask "Why?" And not "Canines or orphans?"
This counter-commie torturer may try to deny it
But if he visited a gulag, I think he'd quite like it
[Verse 4: Ivan Pavlov]
You've got gall, calling me out for imprudence
After quantum entangling with your underage students
And judging by how often it happened to your wife
Cheating's the only f*cking way you made it anywhere in life
You're nothing but a pseudo-scientific cancer
If I asked Einstein about you he’d let his driver answer!
And to end this little head-to-head
I'll leave this Schrödinger cat as expected; Found in box dead