Phasmophobia the Musical lyrics
by NateWantsToBattle
Scratches on the walls…
Sulphur in the air…
Salt spread in the halls…
Sonic sensors set upstairs…
The doors are clean
Our EMF is green-
But something tells me
The night has just begun…
PHASMOPHOBIA! (The temperature’s falling…)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Are one of you calling…?)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Cameras rolling...)
Water in the sink…
Footprints in the salt…
Someone here, I think
Had a taste for the occult…
In your proximity
Hey, look alive, guys
This party’s just begun!
PHASMOPHOBIA! (This thing’s aggressive, and it’s eager to kill!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (If it’s a demon, then it probably will…)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (No time for games! Call out its name!)
Something isn’t right…
Where did we go wrong?
Let me see your light-
Were these prints here all along?
I’ve got a view
Of ghostly orbs near you
But watch your back, cause
The hunt has just begun!
PHASMOPHOBIA! (All the evidence points to one fact:)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (We’ve got a Poltergeist who’s on the attack!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Say its name! Say its name!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (…say its name…)
What could we have missed…
Every page a waste!
Another ghost exists
Quite unlike the kind we’ve faced
It’s freezing cold
And several centuries old!
It leaves both prints and orbs
Or so I’ve long been told…
Burn all your smudging sticks
Destroy that crucifix
Put out the candle wicks
And once you’re done…
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Noah Walker, you will meet your end!). HUD: (LOUDER!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Noah Walker, you’ve murdered my friends!). HUD: (AGAIN!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Enter this place! Show me your face!)
PHASMOPHOBIA! (Noah Walker!)