I stay up all night
Listen to sad songs
And I tell myself, I’ll feel better in the morn
But I don’t sleep
No, I won’t sleep
And you’re like Caffeine
You keep me up when I’m tired
You’re like Caffeine
Just one sip and then I’m wired
And I don’t sleep
No, I won’t sleep
Tell me why my heart thinks you’re important
Tell me why my heart and brain don’t get along
They’ll never get along
One of them is telling me to stay with you
The other's telling me that I love you
The other is telling that you’re a poison
When I sip it, I’d be killing myself
It almost seems appealing
I hope, high hopes
I’m dreaming
Cos’ you be killing me in my dreams
Maybe when I’m dead I won’t have to think ‘bout you
Won’t think about you
‘Cos I hate thinking 'bout you