Evil Vandalia/Mojo Crow Zenith lyrics
by Guided by Voices
[Evil Vandalia]
Evil Vandalia
I still can't sell you against
The soul of the suns of the Evil people that tell you
About the Evil Vandalia
Sented them too much
I walked up to some ??
[Mojo Crow Zenith]
Devil head
Devil head
Mojo Crow Zenith
Shot gun wedding, big boy bow
?? and you'll see how hard it is to
Fly to the moon
And you'll know how ?? to ??
Devil head
Mojo Crow Zenith
My, my, my
My news will not be cool
Queens will not be scared
Church will not get perks
Put your hand in the back of a man
Put your hand in the back of a frend
Who puts your hand down
I will see me
I will try
I will be high
I will be free
To know how to know
Go where
Chew chew weigh now