Nightmare lyrics
by Crucified
[Chorus: Crucified]
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!
[Verse 1: Crucified]
And I’m pickin and pick at the bleedin and I took and I hit em all torn and I'm better come kill em all and I’m breakin em off for the fakin and breakin off and I fake it kill em there and I’m putting her in a coffin fakin em all and merse with the most sickin em fakin em takin em break in em into particles and in a helicopter makin a particle open the particle parting
Sick em and f*ckin them pick em up but then pick in a cup but I’m packin em up then pickin em off then pickin em up but I’m groupin em then pickin em off and I’m
Open and sitting pickin em best and I’m pickin em fast and makin em off and I’m makin it fast and making a murder I'm makin it fast and I'm makin a circus
Sick in it back and I'm makin a murder buzzing em fussin em [?]
[Chorus: Crucified]
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!
[Verse 2: Dumanoid]
„Buli van e helyen, a háború pörög, a gyilok, e tipikus emberi elem
Belopakodok a muriba, sima, de kijön a magamutogató felem!
Repül a korong, a szekerem, eget a peremen övezi, kilövitek-e? Na?
Kaput a fizika, mikor e masina mozog, a földönkívüli tech-em
A szövegem bejut a füleken, Ige, de para, mi követi kilobiteken:
A Pentagon mondja, hogy okom a rabiga, pedig e figura különb idegen
A Figyelő, megunom e szakom, ha kiveti közeg az igazi Gullivereket
A gabonaköröm a jelem, az agyatok idege növel a kaliberemen!
Üzen a karima, lebeg a hajóm, béke, mit takar a mondanivaló
Nyugi nem akad, a sokadik adó anyagot akar, a kameramanek
A terepen, na meg a helikopterek, remeg a tömeg, galiba lehet!
Valaki bekula, kerepel Apache, a minigun pereg, a lavina belep!
Hiába kommunikálom, a nyugalom elapad, akkum a hadipar epedi
Fejese menekül, „hazafi” kurafi, ki csak a lapokat okosan keveri!
Kinyerem ürömötök, ez a hiba, de kimatekozom, a kenyerem „eszem”
A lakoma kobaki, baj oka: tele-patikusa vagyok, ha bekebelezem!
Valami nem oké velem, betemet a zsigeri harag, oly magas a verem
Falom a negatív adagot, tömik a fejemet, avagy dagad a belem!
Fakad a burok, a löketem akut, én megölöm őket, e pokoli fok a düh elemi ereje
Teker a kezem a lumeneken, a vak ima csak emel a volumenemen
A fekete fenevad imidzse: folyik a szemüregetek, a repeta kopog, a
Sugaram atom, a lebeny a közege, nevetek, öröm, ha reped a koponya!
Uhh, gonosz e faj, ez a bakim a lelki nyomoruk üzeme
Lefut a heve, de kivagyok, öregem, megyek az Omega-nebula fele!”
Mentorom így mondta, egykoron ikon, a legjobb profi volt a
Szektor-monitorban, megnyomorított ma
Megtorolni fogja Necronomicon a hemoglobinomban
Metropoliszokat elkotrom, mi rontja!
Züllött faj, bajt szültök, készülj, Föld, kapsz űrből
Nagy Szűrőt, bűn, zűr, bizony, az a kvóta!
Pakolom a szavakat, a pokol, ami kifakad, a parabola kazamata foglya
De kiszabadítom, a jónak iszonyat a módja!
[Chorus: Crucified]
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!
Choppin' it up like a body cut up
With the syllable killin' they all gonna bleed!
They wanna wake up from the scene of a demon
But can't get away 'cause it isn't a dream, I chop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Crucified drop!
Tryin' to f*ck with the Dumanoid drop!
Better not try me or I can just pop!
Watchin' them body all fall, they got chopped!