Omniprezent lyrics
by Traian (xraian)
Am cam palmat un chain
I don't play no game
Put me in a frame
I'on care about the fame
I used to be a lame
Got a gun, I'm gonna aim
Towards the people who
Talked sh*t about my name
Am cam palmat un chain
I don't play no game
Put me in a frame
I'on care about the fame
I used to be a lame
Got a gun, I'm gonna aim
Towards the people who
Talked sh*t about my name
[Verse 1]
Nu ma vede nimeni dar eu sunt peste tot
Daca nu ma gasesti, cauta-ma in top
Eu fac muzica doar ca sa arat ca pot
Ma uit la voi c*m ma uit prin microscop
Chiar daca-s mai scund de inaltime
Cei din jurul meu sunt mai mici decat mine
Zic de talent, nu ma refer la mărime
Zic de smecherie, nu ma refer la lungime
c*m am mai spus, cre' ca astia ma confunda
Cu un tocilar c*minte si urat la mutra
Aroganta asta ma face o bruta
Ascund tot flexu' sub expresia neutra
Iau un plush din mall pentru o gagica
Da iau cateva si pentru oamenii din clică
Toata lumea care comenteaza agita
Oric*m nu ii pasa nimanui ce o sa zica
Am cam palmat un chain
I don't play no game
Put me in a frame
I'on care about the fame
I used to be a lame
Got a gun, I'm gonna aim
Towards the people who
Talked sh*t about my name
Am cam palmat un chain
I don't play no game
Put me in a frame
I'on care about the fame
I used to be a lame
Got a gun, I'm gonna aim
Towards the people who
Talked sh*t about my name