The Mandela Catalogue vol. 2 lyrics
by Alex Kister
Winter Break 2009
{Two people, Adam & Jonah, are labeled "Victim 3 & Victim 4"}
Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall
{A ringtone continuously plays until Adam speaks.}
You've reached the Bythorne Paranormal Society, how may I help you?
Um...may I schedule an appointment?
Of course, ma'am.
Where's the location?
My home.
[The woman is cut off and her address redacted.]
Okay, thank you.
Would you mind giving me a brief description of what you've been experiencing?
I've been hearing...things.
Like...what, ma'am?
I still hear the meows of my old cat Johnny, but, the little guy passed away a few years ago...
Ugh, really? A freaking cat Alternate?
I don't think it's an Alternate, I just think his soul roams the house still.
I want to make sure he finds peace in whatever realm he resides in.
Do you think you could him?
We can...certainly try ma'am.
When would you like us to visit?
As soon as possible, please.
When's your next opening?
Well, we can do tonight if you want.
Can you do 3 nights?
I'm away from home...on a business trip.
I'm sure this will give you enough time to deal with him.
How about $500 a night?
Alright. Sounds like a plan.
Uh, we will help your cat, ma'am.
Thank you so much!
I appreciate it more than you can think!
No problem, ma'am.
It's just what we do.
Okay, back it up, back it got it?
Yeah, I got it.
You sure you got it?
Yeah, just open the trunk.
Now are you really sure you got it? Cuz I can...
Just open the damn trunk, Jonah!
Hm. Guess you do got it.
Such a di*kwad...
You think we got anything we actually needed?
Well, not like we can do anything about it now.
[The camera turns on. Adam tries to turn on the car, but it stalls.]
sh* got anything left?
You used everything already?!
[The car stalls again.]
Damn it!
Well, we don't gotta worry about income anymore since we got this massive frickin payday, right?
Uh...well...we got a couple of options.
Which are...?
We either one; we either ask someone to set up our car with the cables, or...
Steal another one?
Eh, it's broad daylight now...
But it's not like anyone's gonna call the cops or anything.
...and we'd be doing yet aNoThEr delinquent act...
But it's not like we were already on the run anyway.
adam trying to fix the car while i eat chips LMAO -jonah
(No description)
And who's to say that she's not even crazy?
Who's to say she's not as high as I'm going to be in 30 minutes?
...uh...I would hope us.
Because the last thing I need is getting a weird house call from a stoned lady about a dead cat and then there'd be nothing there.
[The video glitches.]
...right? Half of me thinks there aren't even any Alternates, and the mayor was just too stupid to just make that entire, uh, infographic.
Yeah, but then like, why are we getting so many calls about Alternates in the first place?
Maybe it's because of every-
Maybe it's mass hysteria...right?
Do you think this is the rise of the war on Alternates?
I don't know...we're just two guys drivin-
[Momentary silence. The car backs up as a crucifix before the camera goes static.]
You will arrive at your destination in ten minutes.
Holy sh*t, that's actually really useful. I mean, they didn't have to outlaw these things, did they?
Like I doubt that guy's face could appear on something like this, and, y'know, kill you.
No, they did not.
I guess crime really does pay.
I like how you're making us out to be gangsters when all we did was...y'know...get all this.
I know, I's just...we lived our whole lives under the radar, right?
Like the quiet ki-
[The boys pull over to the client's garage to guide Johnny to peace.]
January 12, 2009
11:45 PM
[Adam walks around the house to find an entrance, while also finding a window to peek through. There's an unblinded one. It's an empty room with a cat door.]
There's one camera in there already, but it's one of those old ones with the tape and stuff. It will record, but I won't be able to see it in real time. We'll just have to look at it afterwards.
[Adam is finally in the house to see if he can catch Johnny's attention to get a response from him.]
Here, kitty kitty...
[Adam clicks his tongue.]
Everything alright?
Are you at peace here?
You look so stupid right now.
Dude, what am I supposed to do for a literal ghost cat?!
What's...what's it going to do, just mEoW us to death?
Like, what are we doing here?
Would you mind taking this seriously for once!?
I mean, in the end, I don't have to take that seriously at all.
Cause I'm in here, and you're in there, and you're-
Yeah, because you were to scared to go inside to begin with!
Not too scared, I'm not too scared...
Yes you are.
No I'm not. I'm not scared. I'm not. I'm not. I just...I'm allergic to cats.
You seeing this?
Uhh...the door.
[Adam tries to open it, but the door's locked.]
It's locked tight...kinda weird.
Try and um... you have anything to...y'know...tear it down?
I'm not gonna bust down this random lady's door.
It's fine. She's not gonna find out.
Aaaaaanyways, moving on...
The only locked door in the house.
- Adam
So you see anything in there?
No, I mean, there was nothing besides that weird kinda locked door.
Not a meow, not a noise, nothing.
See anything weird on the cameras at all?
Yeah I'm not...
I'm scrubbing through this.
I don't think I see anything either.
I mean, who knows.
Maybe that thing's just locked downstairs.
Yeah, the more-
I'm not gonna lie to you man.
The more I look at this house, the more I...really don't wanna be in it.
I mean, I don't see anything. I think we're just kinda...
...babysitting an empty house for 3 nights.
I mean, I think the best thing that could happen is that we just leave now and then we say we were here the entire time.
Cause I'm lookin at this house and I'm lookin at this footage...and even though there's nothing too threatening about it, I don't...I don't like it. I really don't like it.
It's literally just an empty house bro.
Can you suck it up for 3 nights?
Ugh, suck wh-
Where did that come from?!
I think that came from the house, man!
I really don't like this now!
I'm the opposite; this is kinda interesting!
I don't.. I don't think we should go back in there..
[still worked on]
Did you just pick that up?
[Silence that is mostly interrupted by Johnny's meowing.]
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Don't. Just don't, okay? Please.
Oh, so NOW you're taking this seriously.
Dude, I don't know what you want from me. I'm as serious as I've ever been!
[Adam laughs]
This whole time, huh?
So you f*cking with me was you being serious?
I get that I screw around sometimes, okay?!
But that's just what I do!
Well maybe it shouldn't be!
Look man, I'm just...DEVASTATED...that I'm not as broken as you still are with everything that's happened and I'm sorry that I can't keep helping you carry this burden!
What does that have to do with anything??
But I'm reaching my f*cking limit here!
These things have taken everything away from us, YET YOU STILL RUN TO THEM EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!
No I don't!
You're not invincible, okay?!
I know you thought that when we started doing these f*cking...death marches...and nothing happened, and I get it!
But this, right here, is REAL.
What's that supposed to mean?!
I wish we'd never looked for your [CENSORED] because she is DEAD AND GONE.
What did you just f*cking say to me!?
And I'm sorry that these are the lives that we lead today, but Adam, if you walk down those stairs, you'd be joining her. And if by some MIRACLE you come back out, I don't think you'd be yourself.
And I'm telling you right now...
...that I won't be here to confirm that.
[Adam walks down to the basement to find a picture of a cat (presumably Johnny) on an analog television.]
[The Intruder's face is on the TV.]
What are you?
[The TV glitches. A creepy music box plays before a portion of a face appears on the TV. The same music box plays later with an orange screen in the corner.]
have you
I did the right thing.
nobody is coming to help you
nobody knows where you are
{Adam} there?
nobody knows
do you understand
[The TV comes back on-screen with text that says "Do You Understand?". The Intruder reappears for a split second before the screen turns blue, presumably debug mode. Jonah is seen driving away from the house while sobbing, as an Intruder hijacks the radio to torment Jonah.]
you left him behind
what will he do without you?
[The camera glitches. The bar on the bottom that usually shows the timezone, time and GPS signal changes to "Who Are You Running From?", and the screen changes to "ERROR CODE 333 YOU LEFT HIM TO DIE".]
open your eyes
open your eyes
SHUT THE f*ck UP!!
open your eyes
open your eyes
open your eyes
open your eyes
open your eyes
[Jonah gets out of the car, sobbing. He later then grunts as he supposedly commits suicide.]