So. I sat down last night with our teenage children to watch The Last Man On Earth. Thinking it could be a funny new show that we could start, right? SO WRONG!!!!! I was thoroughly DISGUSTED at how DISGUSTING it was/is. I am absolutely so sick and tired of so many of the shows that Hollywood puts out! In the first few scenes it shows him watching porn and saying a prayer to God and making a gross statement about doing something that should NOT be talked about on a major network. FOX. How are we supposed to teach our young boys and girls how to be respectable men and women when shows like that are right there readily available for them to watch? It just shows me that the writers really aren't funny or intelligent. Because it takes more whit to write comedy without stupid and gross sexual references. They aren't even references, they are just stupid lines that aren't even funny. And I consider myself to be someone who likes and watches all kinds of shows and movies. I'm not a prude who won't watch anything but G rated- but at the same time, when these shows are on major networks that are accessible to children, they should be MUCH more regulated. And there are SO many of them on now. Where are we as parents on this? There needs to be more outrage about what can be shown on prime time television! A few mild jokes or references that are "questionable" are fine, but it has gotten out of control in my opinion. Thanks for letting me rant