by KeepitEZ_
[ keepitez: ]
[ his sister: ]
Im a woman with a di*k
One that i slap all on your b*tch
I grab poop and lick and lick
And i just caaaan't help it!
[ keepitez: ]
I grab poop and friiiick
Make sure to prepare for the piiiiiss
Burger king foot lettuuuce
Among us sussy hairy uh-sweaty baaallllls!!!!!!!!
[ keepitez: ]
It's juicy and yummy and it fits in my mouth
It's warm and brown and it comes from down south
It smells real nice from my booty it slides out
And i lick it and frick it and slurp it, sauerkraut!
[ his sister: ]
Filled up the toilet and the bathroom is flooding
Smell like cheese, like the cheese i be cutting
That ravioli came out the same way it went in
That sh*t was such a siiiiiiiiiin...........
[ keepitez: ]
Stinky-winky in my belly, like my big fat mom!
I run it up, nut in a cup, prepare to get sh*t on!
I lick and frick all on cho b*tch i slurp up all that sh*t
I grab that steamy creamy brown and just lick and lick!
[ his sister: ]
Im a woman with a diiiiiick
One that i slap all on your biiiiiitch
I grab poop and lick and liiiiiick
And i just can't help iiiiiiiit!
[ keepitez: ]
I like to grab poop and friiiick
Make sure to prepare for the piiiiiss
Burger ki-iiiiing foot lettuuuce
Among us sussy hairy sweaty baaallllls, aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
[ together: ]
Hairy balls
Sussy balls
Sweaty balls
Yummy balls
Acne balls
Nutella balls
sh*tting balls
I lick balls!
[ his sister: ]
Im the sussy impostor, im coming for your balls!
Eat ur balls
I also.....fart on your stinky balls-HAWHSXVC💀💀💀💀
[ keepitez: ]
It makes me pee!!!!!
I dookied in ur mom!!!!
[ together: ]
Sussy, yummy, sweaty, hairy, yummy, sussy baaaaalls!!! (AYY!)
[ keepitez: ]
X4 (i be slurpin sh*t,)
(i be slurpin sh*t,)
(i be slurpin sh*t,)
(i be slurpin that tit,)
[ his sister: ]
I liiike baaalllss
I liiike baaalllss
They're sooo tastyyy, among us impostor
I like baaaalllls!!!!!
[ keepitez: ]
I be slurpin that tiiiiiiiit, yum yum yum....
In my tum tum tum, tum.......
[ his sister: ]
AMONG US!!!!!!!!!!AMONG US!!!!!!!!!!AMONG US!!!!!!!!!!
Captioned by Zayekei on Genius :D