Sonic.Exe You Can’t Run Song WITH LYRICS lyrics
by FNFLyricist
Act 2
Like I told you, you can never ever run
We can finally continue to have some fun
This time, I'll make sure, I'm never done
You actually chose to flee, how dumb
I will continue to say you'll never be god
I have to tell people you're just a fraud
I'm gonna be the reason you meet your end
That'll be some good news I want you dead
In the forest, I have come to test
Your rapping 'bilities
I just sing and you handle the rest
You will be beat
I'm different, I seek revenge
I think you should reflect
Because you're the defect
You can test me all you want, you know you can never beat me
Remember what happened on the field, we can just repeat it
You are different, you are weaker
As you grow you just get sleeker
You're the student I'm teacher
You just teeter
(Sonic - BF in background)
You still got it?! I thought you would drop down to a lower power
Didn't think you'd climb the ladder faster up onto the tower
I just want you faded down into a dust, I'll call it rubble
After this I'm gonna make you deal with three, now Triple Trouble
(You are not bad at all, I just need your power to fall)
(BF - Sonic in the background)
Just because I lost my breathe, it doesn't mean I'm gonna stumble
I just wanna rid you from his body, finally end this rumble
Yes, I know the truth, it's that the exe is just a virus
Put me in the pixel world, Sonic, please I just wanna fight this
(How did you know, I cannot resist the horrid shooooow)
(Sonic trying to break from exe)
I miss my good pal, name's Tails
Come on exe, hear his wails
Knuckles, a good and strong kid
What do you gain from all of this?
Eggman, was bad but didn't deserve this pain
Sonic, snap out of it, and please use your sane brain
It is no more use, he is twisted
I'm sorry, couldn't reset this
(exe over Sonic)
Let's have some fun
You tried to escape me, but all you did was fail
You are now forever locked in this cage, to be eternally tormented all day
(BF - Sonic in the background)
Kind of wish I had did this sooner, bailed
I don't wanna be stuck here anymore, you were lucky enough to take a tour
(You're bound, never be let out)
(Sonic - BF in the background)
You are in my own game, to forever lose it
It are these stakes that I'm raising, wouldn't suggest grabbing those tickets
(One by one, you took them away)
(BF - Sonic in the background)
Since I'm in a game, it's obviously too easy
I wish I could raise the difficulty, so I can go down in history
(You will die, you can't deny)
I am losing, you are proving, me to have to, bring them out too
I don't want to, kill them again, are you asking my friends?
Thought you were God, he's very strong, your thought process guess it was wrong
I will burn the knowledge in your head that they're not your friends
The clock's ticking you're out of time, you thought you could find ways to shine
You knew that my tactics would prevail, and it'd always end with your fail. RUN
(Guess your time is up!)
You thought you could somehow win this, knowing I would always resist
Anything that you could just throw; I will blow you right back home