All of my wisdom came from all the toughest days
I never learned a thing being happy
All of my suffering came I didn't appreciate it
I never learned a thing being happy
But to know how it feels now and then
I got a Happiness Jones, my friend
A Happiness Jones
All of my answers came drivin' myself insane
Yeah I had a dragon to tame to get happy
All of my peace and quiet came from puttin' out fire
Yeah I kept a spark alive to get happy
That old dragon, when he comes back mad
I got a Happiness Jones so bad
I got a Happiness Jones
Oh whoa
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
And I'm not sick, I'm not alone
Well we all got it, a Happiness Jones
All of those words I wrote in the storm that rocked my boat
All of that was stuck in my throat when I was happy
And all of those songs I was singin', yeah while my boat was sinkin'
And next thing I'm thinking, I'm happy
I might as well change my name
To Happiness Jones, my friend
Happiness Jones
Oh whoa
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
Happy happy happy Happiness Jones
And I'm not sick, I'm not alone
Well we all got it, a Happiness Jones
Happy happy happy happy
Happy happy happy happy
Happy happy