INTRO lyrics
by Q
[Ramsus]: Hey what's up, Quinn?
[Q]: Nothin' much, what's up with you?
{Ramsus]: Nothin' much either, man
[Q]: So how 'bout those politics?
[Ramsus]: I don't think you wanna get into those
[Q]: I do. Dumb libtards
[Ramsus]: That was crankin' my style
[Q]: You're always crankin' your style? I'm always crankin' mine
[Ramsus]: Man, I just wanna crank that Soulja Boy sometimes, you know? Every now and again...
[Q]: Yeah. Those darn phones are not allowing me to crank my Soulja Boy
[Ramsus]: Youuuuu. You know what I'm saying?
[Q]: I do know what you're saying
[Ramsus]: So how 'bout those dogs next to you?
[Q]: There's dogs next to me?
[Ramsus]: Yeah
[Q]: Oh dang
[Ramsus]: It's Pookie and Leo
[Q]: Pookie and... no
[Ramsus]: So Quinn how's your PC so far? How are you likin' it so far, man?
[Q]: So, um... that... let's um... let's talk about... yeah, um... hi doggy!
[Ramsus]: Wait, I thought you said you didn't see any dogs!
[Q]: I see dogs now
[Ramsus]: Oh
[Q]: Yeah
[Ramsus]: Well, are you excited for this album
[Q]: What album?
[Ramsus]: This one, the one that we're in, right now
[Q]: We're in an album? It's pretty small to fit both of us...
[Ramsus]: You see this room we're in right now? This is the album
[Q]: This is the album?
[Ramsus]: You see that dog pee pad?
[Q]: Does that mean there's like, giants outside the album?
[Ramsus]: Yeah. We all live in an album, and we're in this one right now
[Q]: CanI get the dogs to bark?
[Ramsus]: But the- I don't think you'd want that
[Q]: Do I not want that?
[Ramsus]: No, you don't. So Quinn-
[Q]: Is this album gonna be awesome or what?
[Ramsus]: Man, I'm ready to start
[Q]: You guys are gonna hear quite a few good songs
[Ramsus]: Quite a few? More like all of them!
[Q]: Yep
[Ramsus]: All of them are good songs! Well, I hope you enjoy mumble rap is good: the album