This next song is about racist people from south africa
Here at we believe that racism is wrong
Because it leads to worse problems like drug abuse
And devil worship
At we say no to racism! no to drugs!
And no to the killing of innocent animals for satanistic purposes!
These things are wrong, these things are super evil!
Ons is fokken mal! kom ons slag n koei
Hang hom onderstebo nou gaan hy lekker bloei
Ok mannetjie tyd vir jou les
Yo jasis vrou, waars die fokken mes?
Hierso, fokkit yes yes yes
Eugene terror met die ses, ses, ses
My moer my vrou flow is rou, rympies skop en donder
Maak gou pappie ons is fokken honger!
Hou jou bek jou klein vrek, waars jou respek?
Haal jou vinger uit jou hol, waars my fokken zol?
Jasis, klein vrikke neus vol snot
God asseblief gooi weg daai vrot rot!
Hierso's jou splif pappie, hierdie goed skop
Kykie vol maan! hierdie kak is aan die gaan
Almal! eugene terror, dis my vokken naam
Put your hands together, kom ons bid saam!
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Make him your god (eat meat)
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Eat his flesh and drink his blood
Thy shalt not kill
Punt kappie kaftang, wats aan die gaan?
Splif in my hand, bokkie aan die kant
Groot dagga blaar op my voorkop yo
Ek hou van die rooi, groen, en gou oppi mou
Ons is fokken rou, ons is fokken nou
Ons is fokken hier, waars die fokken bier?
Kom nou seun eet daardie been!
Jys a fokken poes, kyk jou fokken hemp!
Wat staan daar, anc?
Is jy getik in jou kop, ons is die awb!
Boerewors shambok, wys met die vleis
Rot-gif in my splif, kaftang wit
As ons satan gaan aanbid
(hoes, hoes) kyk die wille bulletjie
Maak ek voel nie lekker nie! hierso vat n pilletjie!
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Make him your god (eat meat)
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Eat his flesh and drink his blood
Thy shalt not kill
Antibiotika is lekker dit laat my beter voel!
Mmm, nou voel ek lekker!
My liewe magtag, daai bokkies pragtig!
Eugene terror, slag met die krag drag
(blaf, blaf, blaf, blaf) ag nie vragtag!
Skop hom in sy moer! wag ek wil hom ook straf
As die vokken hond blaf, kap sy fokken kop af
Snoooooopie! shame nou's die hondtjie senuweagtig
Hahaha! hond slag met n laf lag
Skop hom in sy maai! steek hom in sy naai!
Laat waai! goei hom oppi braai!
Neeeee mami dis f*cked op!
Hahaha, now that's a real hot dog!
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Make him your god (eat meat)
Pray to the devil (eat meat)
Eat his flesh and drink his blood
Thy shalt not kill
For your free vegetarian starter kit visit
Its the right thing to do!