Hits of Sunshine (For Allen Ginsberg) lyrics
by Sonic Youth
[Verse 1]
Today I said goodbye
To my conflicted goddess
Her lush eyes show surprise
At how we could gather knowledge
[Chorus 1]
The painting has a dream
Where shadow breaks the scene
And the colors run off
[Verse 2]
Blue is bashful, green is my goal
Yellow girls are running backwards
Until the next time with six hits of sunshine
The lights will blind us with blues in haiku
[Chorus 2]
The shadow has a dream
Where painters look to sea
The colors burn out
[Verse 3]
Now I know where I once saw you
Stepping into muddy water
John's reflection decried perfection
Now you walk him through the garden
[Chorus 3]
Waiting in the wings
Painters share their dreams
With falling colors
[Verse 4]
See me wave goodbye forever
Happiness the goddess lover
Hurry back, remember last time
The hits of sunshine, the hits of goldmine
[Chorus 4]
I'll see you back tonight
Where painters love the light
And yellow shadow girls
[Instrumental: 2:30 - 10:12]
[Verse 5]
Today I say goodbye
To my conspicuous goddess
Her lush eyes show surprise
About how we capture knowledge
[Chorus 5]
I'll see you back tonight
Where shadows dream of light
Let's slip on outside