“OK! Here We Go!” lyrics
by Christopher Fitzgerald
[DOUG, spoken]
OK, here we go!
[BUD, spoken]
Whoo! This is exciting!
[DOUG, spoken]
Welcome to Gutenberg!
[BUD, spoken]
Gutenberg... The Musical!
[DOUG, spoken]
I’m Mr. Doug Simon
[BUD, spoken]
I’m Mr. Bud Davenport
[DOUG, spoken]
We’ve written an exciting new show, and tonight, we want to present it for the very first time!
[BUD, spoken]
But hopefully not for the last time!
[DOUG, spoken]
With any luck, we’re hoping to take our show... to Broadway!
[BUD, spoken]
And as many of you already know, there are, in the audience tonight, some very big Broadway producers!
So... tell them to produce our show!
[DOUG, spoken]
[BUD, spoken]
[DOUG, spoken]
-writing a musical is not easy
[BUD, spoken]
Hats off to you Elton John!
[DOUG, spoken]
But we did it!
I wrote what we call the book of the musical
[BUD, spoken]
And I wrote the music
And the lyrics... well...
[BOTH, spoken]
We wrote those together!
[DOUG, spoken]
So you’re probably sitting there and thinking to yourself
“Okay, so you wrote a musical...
But what is it about?”
[BUD, spoken]
I dunno Doug
Why don’t you tell us?
[DOUG, spoken]
Alright, I will! It’s about Johan Gutenberg!
[BUD, spoken]
Who’s he?
[DOUG, spoken]
Well, he’s the guy who invented the printing press
[BUD, spoken]
And then printed up a bunch of copies of The Bible
[DOUG, spoken]
Now, what you’re gonna see tonight is what we call a “reading” of a musical
That means there’s no set, no costumes, only a few props, and no cast!
[BUD, spoken]
It’s just me and Doug
[DOUG, spoken]
Now, before we get started, we do want to take a second
To talk about something pretty serious
And that’s the Holocaust
Every important musical has to tackle at least one very serious issue
[BUD, spoken]
Like racism
[DOUG, spoken]
Or Vietnam
[BUD, spoken]
Or a man with half a face
[DOUG, spoken]
Our show is set in Germany
So our serious issue is the Holocaust
[BUD, spoken]
Germans hate Jews!
[DOUG, spoken]
Well... not all of them...
Most of them!
[BUD, spoken]
Maybe not anymore...
But they used to!
[DOUG, spoken]
That hatred... is in this show
[BUD, spoken]
It has to be!
[DOUG, spoken]
Because it makes our show... important
And now...
[BOTH, spoken]
Gutenberg The Musical!