Drink It Down lyrics
by Circus Contraption
So you see, my dear friends
I'm afraid the world outside is at ruinous ends
All in vain and despair
No longer a game for no life will be spared from
The marvel beast, it's a movable feast and a slake for your thirst the alternative's worse
Drink it down
Drink it down
Raise your glass to your lips
My sweet gems, you can remedy all with a few slender sips
You decide, it's your fate
Stem the tide as it crests, feel the warmth in your breast
Swelling with pride as you're welcomed inside
There's no need to discuss
Become one of us
Drink it down
Drink it down
Drink it down
Whether or not you know it tonight, you have come here for a reason
Whether or not you know it tonight, you have been drawn here with a purpose
And that purpose, my friends, is to live your life freely
To live your life in celebration
Do you want that in your life?
Do you need that in your life?
Well tonight it can be yours
And all you need do is drink it down
All you need do is finally, finally surrender
Because surrender is only going over to the winning side
Tonight, who will find the courage to take that step and fall back into the glorious arms of now?
I hold in my hand this vial, which contains my life's fluids
And from this vial I shall fill your vessel
All of my love, flowing into you, all of my passion mingling with yours
Raise your glass, raise your glass into the air and drink it down
And now you're part of the Circus Contraption family
There's only one thing you need do to complete this ritual of supplication
And that's sing this next song with me from the bottom of your heart
It's very simple, I'll teach it to you
It goes like this
Love, love, love
We got it in slop buckets
Splashes around in there
Some spills, we don't care
We've got plenty of love to go around
(Here you go, sing it with me!
Love, love, love)
Love, love, love
We got it in slop buckets (There you go, sloshes around)
Splashes around in there
Some spills we don't care
(No, we don't, you know why?)
We got plenty of love to go around
(There you go, sing it out from the bottom of your heart)
Love, Love, love. (What?)
We got it in slop buckets (Yes, that's it, that's it)
Splashes around in there (Beautiful)
Some spills we don't care
We got plenty of love to go around
(Sing that last line with me again)
We got plenty of love to go around
(One more time, that last line)
We got plenty of love to go around
(Ah, thank you, thank you)