Get It Together lyrics
by Gene Clark
[Verse 1]
Done got wise
Of the way you're doing
Done got wise
Of the way you're doing
If I keep loving you
My life would be ruined
[Verse 2]
I done got hip, uh
Of your running round, uh
Done got hip, looka here
To your running round
But do you know one thing
I'm gonna put you down, OH
Get it together
Ha, get it together, looka here
Get it together
Get it together, OH
[Verse 3]
You said that you wanted
A brand new bag
You said you wanted
Looka here, a brand new bag
But you, you were just jiving
You wanted to be a drag
[Verse 4]
Ha, you dropped out of school
Before you got it down, you hear me?
You dropped out of school
Before you got it down
Now you ain't hip
You're the biggest fool in town, OH
Get it together, uh
Get it together
Get it together
Get it together
OH, Maceo!
[Tenor saxophone solo: Maceo Parker]
Uh, blow now, ha
Do the Underdog
Get on a log
Do the Underdog
Get on a log
Get it, get it, shotgun
Sock it to 'em
Haha, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Good God, one more time
One more time now
One more time
Now looka here
Maceo, let me tell 'em about this little bit
Let me tell 'em about this little bit
[Verse 5]
You may dance good
You may have fast feet
You may dance good
You may have fast feet
But you ain't slick
Your business is in the street
[Band workout led by James Brown]
Now looka here, Maceo
Bring it down but I want you to blow
Lemme hear you, uh, get it
All right now, come on, OW
Sometime, sometime
Sometime, sometime
Oh, good God, hey, uh
Play it, play it
All right now, all right now
All right now, all right now
Now, horns, lay out
{Horns stop playing except Maceo soloing}
That's right, looka here now, ha
That's good now
Looka here now
There's something I wanna say right here
Now when I say uh
I want you to hit me one time
Do you hear me? Lemme hear you
Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
Jabo, do you hear me?
Now when I say uh, one time
You say uh, ready?
One time, uh, good God, ha
Now I'm gonna ask for two
Can you give me two?
Can I get two?
Two times, uh, good God
If you hear any noise
It's just me and the boys
So everybody be mellow
Somebody might drop their horn
And things like that
But don't worry about that
I gotta say it three times
Can I get three, fellas?
Three times, uh, good God, ha
All right now, all right
Now if I ask for four
Is it possible I can get four?
If I can get four I got to open the door and leave
I can get four? Gimme four
Uh, good God
Don't play so much, uh
Don't be so mean
Think about that cold sweat
You can't melt, looka here
Rasbury, what kind of horn you play?
A trombone, trombone
Can I get a little taste of that trombone?
Right about now
Uh, stretch it, that's right
Now same thing with you, Waymon
Stretch your note
Joe, can you play your little bit over there?
Come on
Now, Pee Wee
St. Clair, I'm not gonna ask you to play, Jack
'Cause your horn is too big
Man, you got too much horn over there
Gimme a little extra stroke there, Country
So I know you're playing guitar
St. Clair, since you're from Augusta, Georgia, like I am
Let me hear you play your baritone
You got to have some soul
Right about here, now, right now
[Baritone sax lead: St. Clair Pinckney]
Good God
All right, all right, get it
Now, fellas, now just, just ease out of it
That's right, you keep playing, Maceo
'Cause the groove is there
Now tell you what I want you to do
Now when I say hit it
I want you to hit it
You hear me, Jabo?
You hear me, Bernard?
But when I say quit it
I want you to quit it
You ready? Hit it, hit it
Quit it
Waymon, it looks like you got a bad night tonight
But you gonna be mellow, I know you're all right
Have another, nah, be cool
All right, you ready?
Now hit it, come on, uh!
Quit it
Bernard got tired and quit on us
All right, you still got the groove
You still got the groove
Bring it up, bring it up, come on
Bring it up, bring it up now
Bring it up
Engineer, can you cut the thing down?
Fade me on outta here
'Cause I gotta leave anyway
Fade it on out, I'm gone
Fade me out