We’ve Been Watching You lyrics
by Grey Griffin
[MOUTHPIECE, spoken]
I mean, you don't even know how vast our fan community network is up here, Horse. We've got, like, clubs within clubs just dedicated to you. We're just like a bunch of newborn baby birdtaurs hungry to devour your content
[HORSE, spoken]
Heh, that's a little weird, but thank you?
We've been watching you
We've been binge-watching you
We are obsessing every day
This seems neurotic
We are fangirling hard
Wrote fiction, made some art
We've shipped you every different way
(But we're platonic)
My name is Mouthpiece
But you'd know me by my username
That's when my birthday is
These owl, geese, pheasant, sparrow, duck and kiwitaurs
Made so much merch outta you
We're in the fandom biz!
So glad Horse made it
So sad that Rider is gone
[MOUTHPIECE, spoken]
Where'd that girl go?
What went on inside of the Rift?
Who cares?
The herd's here for Herd Con!
What is Herd Con?
We've been binge-watching you
And you're our favorite show that's on
[WAMMAWINK, spoken]
Well, this is overwhelming, isn't it? I mean, who knew all this time that we were celebrities?
[MOUTHPIECE, spoken]
Oh, uh, to clarify, not all of you are celebrities
[WAMMAWINK, spoken]
What are you saying?
[MOUTHPIECE, spoken]
I mean, maybe some of you are, like, not as popular as others
[WAMMAWINK, spoken]
Well, I don't understand, Mouthpiece. You just said to me that we're the most popular--
Well, the Horse Force is for the Horse fans, of course
And the Ched Heads have the handsomest mugs
We're Hot Gosslings!
Team Durp!
Glendale's Pregnancy Hole Children!
And Dougligans are fans of the great Comfortable Doug
Comfortable Doug
Comfortable Doug
Comfortable, Comfortable, Comfortable Doug
Comfortable Doug
Comfortable Doug
Comfortable, Comfortable Doug
[WAMMAWINK, spoken]
Okay, okay, okay, okay, I think we get it. Ya like Comfortable Doug, Mouthpiece
Now, what is the Wammawink fan club called? Hm?
Who, uh... Whe- whe... Where are the Wammawink fans, Mouthpiece? Answer me, Mouthpiece. Mouthpiece! Why don't you tell me, Mouthpiece?
[MOUTHPIECE, spoken]
You're hurting me
[GLENDALE, spoken]
Oh yeah, she does that sometimes
The only thing those fan clubs can agree on
Is that Wammawink's
The worst