The Dylan Ross Interview lyrics
by Rozz Dyliams
Adam: Alright so uh this is No Jumper the coolest podcast in the world and today we have the one and only Dylan Ross on the show. Dylan, how you doing?
Dylan: I'm doing pretty good I'm tired
Adam: Let me move this a little closer to your face
Dylan: I'm doing pretty good I'm tired!
Adam: hahaha so I've had a sh*t load of people uh requesting me to get you on the podcast over the past couple months so it's uh very very very nice to finally get you in here. What brings you uh down to Los Angeles?
Dylan: I had a show with Blaze Ya Dead Homie last night.
Adam: And how was that?
Dylan: It was good.
Adam: Yeah?
Dylan: Yeah it was a mile stone
Adam: Because this was your first interaction performance wise with the juggalo scene?
Dylan: With the Juggalo community in general. I did uh, when I first started out doing shows seventeen and eighteen like back in Ohio. Uh. there would always be like a lot of juggalos and sh*t due to the region. But uh yeah this is my first show like actually f*cking with the juggalos
Adam: Right and so..
Dylan: And uh its one of my childhood heroes
Adam: Blaze?
Dylan: for seventeen years yeah
Adam: Right. Damn so uh how did you first? So lets go back to Ohio. What kind of area did you grow up in? What was the town?
Dylan: I grew up um about forty minutes outside of Cleveland like on the west side in the country and then around 10 my parents bought a house in a Northwest Ohio so I moved I lived about forty minutes from like Cedar Point, Sandusky. The 4-1-9. So I had like two very different, drastic Ohio's.
Adam: Two different Ohio's okay yeah. So what kind of kid were you?
Dylan: A really f*cked up kid that stayed inside because I was only in public school for two years and my brain didn't work like other people. So my Mom took me out of school and I was home schooled for most of my life
Adam: Were you diagnosed at a young age with anything in particular?
Dylan: Yeah a lot of things
Adam: Yeah, what just uh
Dylan: Just like mental things y'know like Autism. So thats why I'm so good at rapping.
Adam: So you were never able to function in a school environment?
Dylan: No, f*ck no
Adam: No? Not at all. Were you like acting out like getting in trouble, fighting, anything like that?
Dylan: I didn't fight I mean I got in like one physical altercation that I remember
but it was mostly like I didn't understand why I had to do things that I didn't wanna do
and I didn't understand why I wasn't allowed to call the teacher by her first name
and I would like question the typos and sh*t like that so it just caused too many problems
Too many problems with authority
just kind of lacking that comprehension of like why you should respect this person's opinion
I never really had that as a young kid like it never made sense to me as to like why I should have this unwavering respect for authority figures y'know
Oh yeah definitely
over time I was able to take charge and like plan my curriculum
So you had traditional parents
So but they just understood what the had to do
and be able to function as an adult
When did you start to get interested in music
They were similarly into playing instruments
I have like kind of young Generation X parents
I had a goth dad
he had a fashiopn degree and everything
My dad was like a Carhartt wearing
Clutch and Helmet, Hardcore MadBall Dad
he exposed me to like Skinny Puppy and
but he had a fashion degree
subculture kid
Which is what I'm just
When he fell in love with my mom he just uh got his sh*t together
is that they