[Verse 1]
And when the faithful disappear
The world will take her final turns
The showdown's exactly what some fear
Millions die, the land is burned
[Chorus 1]
Then suddenly there is a cry
Ooh ooh, look up! Look up!
Here comes the posse in the sky!
On white horses to judge the earth
Posse in the sky is surely comin' down
[Verse 2]
And He who rides the leading steed
Has the name Faithful and True
Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Son of God is He
He's come to make the world brand new
[Chorus 2]
But first all evil has to die
"Judgment day draws nigh!"
So cries the posse in the sky
Bad guys are rounded up and bound
Posse in the sky is surely comin' down
Posse in the sky is surely comin' down
Posse in the sky is surely comin' down
And when they look upon Him whom they have pierced
And they shall mourn for Him as for an only Son
And they shall weep bitterly over Him
Like the bitter weeping over a first-born Son