世界末日 (End of the World) lyrics
by 周杰倫 (Jay Chou)
Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
想笑 / xiang xiao / Want to smile
來偽裝掉下的眼淚 / lai wei zhuang diao xia de yan lei / To disguise the tears that are falling
點點頭 / dian dian tou / Nod head
承認自己會怕黑 / cheng ren zi ji hui pa hei / Admit to myself that I will be scared of the dark
我只求 / wo zhi qiu / I only seek
能借一點的時間來陪 / neng jie yi dian de shi jian lai pei / That you can lend some time to be with me
你卻連同情都不給 / ni que lian tong qing dou bu gei / But you don't even give sympathy
想哭 / xiang ku / Want to cry
來試探自己麻痺了沒 / lai shi tan zi ji ma bi le mei / To find out whether I am numb yet
全世界 / quan shi jie / The whole world
好像只有我疲憊 / hao xiang zhi you wo pi bei / Seems like I am the only one who is tired
無所謂 / wu suo wei / Doesn't matter
反正難過就敷衍走一回 / fan zheng nan guo jiu fu yan zou yi hui / Anyway I'm feeling sad so I'll muddle through and go for a time
但願絕望和無奈遠走高飛 / dan yuan jue wang he wu nai yuan zou gao fei / If only despair and feeling useless would go far away
天灰灰 / tian hui hui / The sky is very grey
會不會 / hui bu hui / Will it
讓我忘了你是誰 / rang wo wang le ni shi shei / Let me forget who you are?
夜越黑 / ye yue hei / The darker the night
夢違背 / meng wei bei / Dream disobeys
難追難回味 / nan zhui nan hui wei / It is hard to chase and hard to enjoy in retrospect
我的世界將被摧毀 / wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui / My world is going to be destroyed
也許事與願違 / ye xu shi yu yuan wei / Maybe things do not happen as I wish
累不累 / lei bu lei / Tired or not?
睡不睡 / shui bu shui / Sleep or not?
單影無人相依偎 / dan ying wu ren xiang yi wei / A single shadow with no one to snuggle with
夜越黑 / ye yue hei / The darker the night
夢違背 / meng wei bei / Dream disobeys
有誰肯安慰 / you shei ken an wei / Who is willing to comfort? (It is hard to chase and hard to enjoy in retrospect)
我的世界將被摧毀 / wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui / My world is going to be destroyed
也許頹廢也是另一種美 / ye xu tui fei ye shi ling yi zhong mei / Maybe being dispirited is another kind of beauty