Ghazal 203, In Memoriam lyrics
by Hafiz
Be it remembered: I lived in
The very street that you lived on.
Light of my eyes it was to see
the dust that at your doorway shone.
A lily and a rose we were,
with a rapport so true and pure
That what I uttered with my tongue
and what lay in your heart, were one.
Then when the heart interpreted
the teachings Elder Wisdom gave,
Love's glossary shed light on all
enigmas of the lexicon.
I swore within my heart that I
Would never be without my Friend.
But now my heart and I have strived
and failed, what is there to be done?
Last night for old time's sake I passed
our drinking spot, and saw a cask
Corked in the mud, wine spilt like blood.
The tears of blood began to run.
Much though I wondered as I wandered
why pain of parting had to come,
The judge of Reason reached no reason
and lost all judgement thereupon.
Indeed the turquoise signet ring
of Bu Ishaq, beloved king,
Flashed splendorously. But his reign
of fortune was a transient one.
Hafez, see how the partridge struts
and cackles in his every cluck.
The falcon-claws he flouts are Laws
of Fate that he will not outrun.