National Brotherhood Week lyrics
by Tom Lehrer
Well the white hate the black folk
And the black folk hate the white folk
To hate all but the right folk
Is an old established rule
But during
National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
Donald Trump and Bashar al-Assad are dancing cheek to cheek
It's fun to eulogise the people you despise
As long as you don't let them in your country
Well the poor folk hate the rich folk
And the rich folk hate the poor folk
All of my folk hate all of your folk
It's as English as Yorkshire Pud
But during
National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
Nigel Farage loves the Romanians
'Coz they're so chic
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can't stand
You can tolerate them if you try
Oh the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants
And the Hindus hate the Muslims
And everybody hates the Jews
But during
National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
It's National everyone smile at one another-hood week
Be nice to people who-
Are inferior to you
It's only for a week so have no fear
Be grateful it doesn't last all year!