Somethin’ Fake lyrics
by Brett Basil
Everything for appearance sake
No substance in the ruse you make
In make believe pleasantries
spoken artificially
All this energy you spend
If redirected, added in
To what you have not what friends got
Or the person you aspire haunts
The hallways of your aspiration oo oo
That reflect distorted fabrication
Give me one more take of somethin fake
show only exterior
never crack beyond veneer
The soul I know never shines
Bright insight of troubled minds
These parasites these vapid vamps
Their smoke and funhouse mirrored camp
If what they think hurts you so bad
Cut loose the knotted ties you have
So sad all these cursed pains and
These so-called friends
aren't the kind you wished you had
So sad if what they think hurts you so bad
Give me one more take of somethin fake
Could be you'll be happy when
It falls apart right in your hands
If you think they'll be there till the end
Look at them and guess again