Karl Jacobs lyrics
by Quackity & Karl Jacobs
carl jacobs is a college dropout that hacked mr beast's videos to become the number one streamer on twitch in just a matter of months welcome everybody welcome it's me carl he's always trending on twitter one of the breakout stars of the last year his newly launched podcast beat out joe rogan on the spotify charts what's up guys and welcome to the banter podcast and he has one of the most die-hard fan bases on the internet if i got a carl notice right now i'd be on the floor the man is quite literally perfect but if we're being honest we don't fully understand carl's content how is carl doing what he's doing how did he become carl a lot of effort went into this one i'm really excited for you guys i got the frog fit on that's how excited i am so for this episode of the breakdown we traveled to carl's house to learn his story and find out what makes him so successful that was super cool i'm excited also in this video samir and i will play basketball but more on that at the end all right let's break it down watch the breakdown you're number two on twitch right now for average viewership for the month yeah i'm number two behind warframe did like a promotional stream so i'm just behind them i'm the number one twitch streamer there we go right now i guess have you ever heard the phrase luck is where preparation and opportunity meet that is basically carl's life story there have been a few key moments that have defined his career a lot of luck is involved in how i got here but luck happens to a lot of people and the first one came five weeks before he was about to graduate from college i was max credits so that i can get two degrees but then i was also streaming like 40 hours a week i was kind of non-stop because i just wanted to do something different i was sitting down talking to my mom and i was like worried to graduate college because i knew if i graduated i would have to get a regular job like i was streaming and i wanted to keep streaming which sounds stupid but that's just how i felt and my friend had worked here and then he kind of was just like hey i got you like an editing thing if you want to stay but the problem is you can't like go back home we needed editors as we were growing and one of my friends was like i have this friend carl so i was like oh okay what is it i was like he's like well jimmy's brother is making a channel it's not out yet but they need like an editor i was like okay i'll do it screw it i used everything that i saved up from streaming for two years to move here actually i lit down to zero dollars it's an 11 week quarter i dropped out with five weeks left and then i called my mom and i was like i can deny this job and then go back home finish my degree and then try to look for a youtuber that'll take me as an editor or i'll just take this job as a video editor for a youtube channel you know what i mean hesitation at that time or no not as much as there should have been if i'm being honest my parents had a lot of hesitation so carl takes the job editing from mr beast's brother's youtube channel from editing i started being lead camera and then directing and then they threw me in a video but when the mr bro channel took a break carl moved to the editing team at mr beast i was a much smaller fish in the pond you know what i mean he then rose in the ranks again going from editor to cameraman because i was a cameraman i started hanging out with the boys a little bit like specifically chris chris was just like i don't want to film without carl and so come let's start holding the camera and at now they're like doing bits all the time they're hanging out all the time and chris is like let's let's travel on camera i like him he was essentially given a minor role in a mr beast video and i don't think anyone could have predicted how life-changing that role would be for carl except for carl except for carl except for he probably could have predicted carl actually planned it just getting your foot in door is the hardest part and really seizing the opportunity what you did is even harder you have to wait for luck to happen and then you have to take advantage of an opportunity when it comes up like you really have to put yourself into spots where you're going to get lucky my first video that i was in for mr beats like the main channel was hide and seek this is extreme hide and seek where the last one you found gets 60 000 whenever i found out that i was going to be in it i went to walmart and i bought a bunch of props for myself and i bought a bunch of like dvds that i thought would be funny but my plan was to like leave a dvd at each hiding spot after i left it oh carl's been here you know how i know it's carl it's a sonic the hedgehog pendant and a dvd of meet the robinson it was kind of nice because i had edited for mr beast for months at that point you can see what doesn't make the cut and then you just don't do that the longer i'm in the more of the video i'll be on just inherently right so i knew i had to make it far into the videos it was more than just playing for 60 grand not only did i get to edit for months before that and know what makes and what doesn't make it but i had also streamed for two years so i like knew how to act in front of a camera i'm hiding under a bed i'm gonna win i'm gonna get the 60k i wanted to put everything out there if it worked it worked if it didn't at least i did everything i could and then i got second carl oh my god carl you okay because we just lost 60 i sure did because i got second i think that really like sparked like a little drive of like people to like root for me to win stuff if that makes sense so that's kind of where i first got my little little chunk of people rooting for me so after hide and seek carl kept on being featured in more videos and he sort of solidified his place in the mr beast universe started the fire but carl's true passion was streaming his entire life he's always been a streamer and he's always grinded and it never really took off i was obsessed with video games from the beginning so i have a super nintendo and then an n64 look at that come on this was my favorite game i told my mom that i want to do something with video games but my job doesn't exist yet i had streamed to nobody for two years i think i maxed out averaging 80 viewers order in the court so even though carl had solidified his place with mr beast on youtube he was working overtime to build his career on twitch he would film a video with us from like 8 a.m to like 10 p.m and i'd be like all right i'm gonna go to bed i want to die i'm burnt out and then i just get notifications carl's streaming i'm like this this freaking animal what is he doing then one day on the beast gaming channel carl filled in for chris who was sick this is the moment we all waited for it and little did carl know in that episode he would be joined by one of the most popular streamers in the world dream [Music] carl and dream really got along and then dream invited carl to something called the dream smp obviously a member of the dream smp the dream smp survival multiplayer does that make sense so what is do you um now if that sounds confusing it is yes it is to explain the significance of this moment we asked the king of explainers johnny harris to explain it to you hey guys the dream smp is an invite only minecraft server smp stands for survival multiplayer meaning you can go kill other people i've already killed three of you guys the crazy thing about the dream smp is that it's all these people playing minecraft together but what they've done is turned it into a stage where they actually like role play a story people change like the tides in the ocean here cheers it's nothing about being good or bad at minecraft it's just minecraft is used as an outlet to like tell stories right so all these players get together in this minecraft server and they like have like a loosely scripted storyline but then there's a ton of improv in my opinion i'm doing improv with like some of the funniest streamers that i've ever been right there's a reason that they're all on the top and they're all streaming this and recording it from their own perspective and so fans tune in from all these different perspectives and they quickly learned that there's a complicated story happening within this minecraft server it just murdered what no there is like internal politics and wars and festivals and elections they held an election and jay schlatt rose to power and like drama like it's very juicy yeah there's like arcs there's whole like anime arcs going on and stuff like that i've thought of it as sort of akin to like these cinematic universes like lord of the rings or marvel where there's like so many different plots and subplots happening from tons of different episodic angles and yet this isn't happening from a big budget studio this is like a bunch of like young dudes on the internet playing video games and creating this like complicated multi-layered experience it's really insane and these streamers can invite other people into the server to play and for carl an invite to the dream smp is like the biggest endorsement a streamer can get he is now and forever a part of internet history so there you go guys little introduction to the dream smp hope that helps so like johnny said joining the s p was a massive opportunity for carl but he joined late and he had already missed a lot and it's what carl did next that truly changed the trajectory of his career forever i joined it pretty late and i didn't know where to jump in to the storyline and then i kind of realized i'll just jump in by creating my own storyline in the dream smp i started my own series called tales from the smp they fit into the world they kind of more world build because that's my favorite types of lore is like world building like in star wars rogue one was my favorite disney movie out of them because it like helped build the story instead of just trying to continue it right now you're watching tales from the s p presents in tales from the smp carl's character is a time traveler that goes back to moments he missed to solve problems that were left unsolved and he doesn't get the time travel away until the con the conflict is resolved how the stream's laid out is that there's like a little edited segment intro and then two hours of just improv of a storyline that i kind of have this structured out go into the skeleton for your next clue before each episode ends i usually have about two to 2.5 million live views right so that's like tv show territory the difference is that carl is doing these numbers from this room at a fraction of the cost yeah but that's still not really what makes carl special after spending time with carl and watching hours of his episodes trying to understand exactly what is happening here we've come to the conclusion that we're actually not supposed to get it and that's what makes carl truly special carl's x factor is his community it's insanely strong i think that's something i did really well was actually build a really cool community the community that he has built is so supportive and positive and strong communities aren't for everyone they just can't be i didn't really fit in but in just a general world but i guess on the internet you find people that you fit in with he makes me feel safe and like i don't have to like worry when i'm watching carl jacobs i'm just focused on having fun and laughing and enjoying the moment communities have vocabulary that is just for the community there's like a whole different language like if i told you somebody's an old frog you probably don't know what that means you know what i'm saying i'll find myself walking around like my college campus just quoting carl jacobs communities have characters they have inside jokes and they have a lot of history most importantly strong communities spend long amounts of uninterrupted time together online is like you're only there because you want to be there you know what i mean you can you can find yourself hanging out with real life friends just because you're forced to be there type thing but like online just turn off your computer you know what i mean i just got a car notice i have to like skip my next class and be like nope i'm not going sorry there's like this whole friend group that cultivated from watching my streams um my three best friends i met on twitter because of the dream smp that's what we were thrown at a group chat for um and they're my best friends now that's more exciting to me than me finding friends is like when i see like these kids like cultivating friendships from being and they like their point of contact is the fact that they both watch my stream you know what i mean yeah that's so cool to me so to show truly how strong this community is we want to do something real quick so we posted this on twitter and if you're part of carl's community we want you to head over to that tweet and comment like an inside joke that only people who are part of that community would know just post something on that thread that most likely we wouldn't understand right so last year or this time to this year your life has changed quite a bit yeah yeah definitely what do you think next year this time the world of carl looks like i hope it's a completely different landscape to be honest that's my hope i don't want any year to feel like a sequel year you know what i mean i wanted to every single year to feel like uh i did something crazy like that year where i really did something different you know what i mean does that make sense yeah i like that a lot i don't want every year to feel like a sequel year that was a great line carl yeah because he's good at talking sometimes that's good all right so when we were visiting carl we actually played basketball with him sapnap and mr beast and we could not get the ball into the hoop but i have been working on my shot since then and i'm gonna show you how many i can make while samir tells you about the sponsor of this video jelly smack being a creator is kind of like shooting a basketball we have to take a lot of shots and see which ones go in we do that by uploading our content but you can make a lot more shots if you have a team around you working with jelly smack is like having that team as a creator jelly smack works with creators not only to help them grow their audience but also grow their revenue here's how it works if you're a youtube creator jelly smack will take your youtube videos and they'll cut them for different platforms they'll find audience on those platforms as well as revenue opportunities and every month you'll get a check from jelly smack based on how much money you made from these different platforms so now instead of just uploading to youtube you're uploading to all these different platforms which is like having multiple collins on the court right now shooting which increases your chances of making it deli smack is trusted by some of the biggest creators on the platform including mr beast pewdiepie and phil defranco but they work with creators of all sizes not only do they have their own team of expert editors they also have their own software that helps optimize the content for the different platforms so if you're a creator who's looking for a team and you feel like you'd be a good fit for jelly smack head over to jellysmack.com click get in touch and tell them colin and samir sent you also i haven't been watching how many shots has colin made any has he made any have you made any https://karljacobsmerch.net/