[Yoni Wolf]
When we’re hanging out
I act like I don’t give a f*ck
But I had to write this silly song
To say I still got love for
And especially now that you’re vegan
f*ck your current boy-toy
But propagate with me
For kids that can speak Latin
And play a mean game of Pictionary
Yoni: I haven't talked to you in a long time
Girl: Yeah I know
Yoni: Hello?
Girl: Hello?
Yoni: Hello?
Girl: Yeah?
Yoni: Who's this?
Yoni: Oh hey what's up, this is Yoni
And uh, I want to take you bowling and roller skating
The warring world is waiting
For us to kiss again
We can play Parcheesi until it’s evening
And when the sun is leaving
We’ll finally kiss again
She ain’t gonna call you back
She had you smoking her like yank rock
She ain’t gonna call you back
Then left you for your homeboy in the black block
She ain’t gonna call you back
You told her you loved her in that last talk
She ain’t gonna call you back
I’m afraid she’ll never love you back, dawg
She ain’t gonna call you back
Now you’re looking at thrift stores for her cast-offs
She ain’t gonna call you back
Searching for the scent of what the past was