Gelato Party lyrics
by Larry Fisherman
[Intro: Kelly Slater] a combination of that total euphoria, and that ultimate fear. You're never as real as when you might die
Watch your butts
Sir, there's been rumors that your son was abducted by a UFO, would you care to comment?
Don't print that, son. If his momma reads that, she's just gonna lose all hope
We really have to ask you some more questions, sir
But remember, it's still business as usual at Unpainted Arizona, and if you can find lower prices anywhere, my name still ain't Nathan Arizona!
Mr. Byrum here can take your exemplars while you talk
Just let your hand relax, I'll do the work
What is this? I didn't steal the damn kid!
Sir, these men are with the FBI
Are you boys crazy? All I know is that I wake up this morning, my wife's screamin'!
We just need to distinguish your prints from the perpetrator's, if they left any
'Course, I know that!
Sir, we have an indication you were born Nathan Huffhines, is this correct?
Yeah, I changed my name, what of it?
Could you give us an indication why?
Yeah, would you buy furniture at a store called "Unpainted Huffhines"?
All right, I'll get to the point
Was the child wearing anything when he was abducted?
Nobody sleeps naked in this house, boy! He was wea—
I am asking the questions, officer
If we're going to put an APB out, I need a description of the—
He was wearing his—
It's just that we're better trained to intervene in crisis situations. What was he wearing?
A dinner jacket, what do you think? He was wearin' his damn jammies
The child was wearing his jammies. Are you happy?
Do you have any disgruntled employees?
Hell, they all disgruntled, I ain't runnin' a damn daisy farm!
What did the pajamas—
My motto is do it my way or watch your butt!
What did the pajamas—
So, you think it might have been an employee?
Don't make me laugh. Without my say so, they wouldn't p*ss with their pants on fire
What did the pajamas look like?
I don't know, they were jammies! They had, uh, Yodas and sh*t on 'em! Get your damn feet off my coffee table!
Ron, you are upsetting the victim!
Damn it, are you boys gonna chase down your leads, or are you gonna sit around, drinking coffee, in the one house in the state where I know my boy ain't at?!
Well, sir, we don't have any leads as yet, aside from the coat
[Interlude: 14th Dalai Lama & Vitaly Mansky]
After five billions of years, the sun also will go
This is not much
Five billion, compared our life, quite long
Our life or your life?
All-all human beings' life, average hundred years. But, Buddhists, Buddhi— Buddhists belief, we usually count eons, eons. Then, five... five billions are short
[Interlude: 14th Dalai Lama]
So, short and long, relative. No absolute. So, compare, uh, "something, something" short. Then, compare "something, something" long
[Outro: 14th Dalai Lama]
So, half past, half future, no present. So, we cannot find present. Without present, there is no basis for past and future. So, uh, without investigate such a way, generally, we can't say "present". Present hour, sixty minutes, period. Uh, today, present day, uh, twenty-four hours. Present month, thirty... thirty days. Isn't it? So, present eon, bill-billions of years. So, everything relative
Now, go