God in Disguise lyrics
by Alan Watts
If a
Beautiful lady should say to me
I love you
And I were to reply
Are you serious or are you just playing with me
That would be quite the wrong response
Because I hope she's not serious
And that she will play with me
I should say are you sincere
Or are you just toying
Because you see the word play
Has many different senses
A person who is playing the organ in church
Is certainly not doing something trivial
When you go to see a play called Hamlet
You're not seeing something trivial
When the concert artist plays
He is certainly entertaining you
But it's not a trivial entertaining
But on the other hand, we would use play in a
Quite a different sense
When we mean just fooling around
Doing it for kicks
Doing it for kicks
Doing it for kicks
So, it is fundamental as a matter of fact to both the Hindu and the Christian tradition
That the universe is the play of God
But the Christian thinks of it in the terms of a
Construction play
Like building blocks
The Hindu thinks of it as dramatic play
Of the actual participation of the Godhead
In the creation
So, that every being whatsoever
Is God in disguise
Doing it for kicks
God in disguise
God in disguise
Doing it for kicks
God in disguise
Doing it for kicks
Doing it for kicks
God in disguise
God in disguise
Doing it for kicks
God in disguise
Doing it for kicks