My Boulder lyrics
by The King Blues
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
Well I ain't never seen such a big hard bast*rd cry like I did that day
He said "I lost everything that ever meant anything and I can't go on living this way"
He slammed his pint down on the table and said "I ain't never drinking again"
I put my hand on his shoulder, looked him square in the eye and I said "listen my friend
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder"
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
I said "If you need a place to stay you can always come over
I'll clean out the front room and you can sleep on my sofa"
He said "I can only apologise if I seem out of touch
The only reason I scream and shout is cos I care so much"
So you can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
They fought the dogs, and killed the cats
And bit the babies in the cradles
And ate the cheeses out of the vats
And licked the soup from the cook's own ladles
Split open the kegs of salted sprats
Made nests inside men's Sunday hats
And even spoiled the women's chats
By drowning their speaking
With shrieking and squeaking
In fifty different sharps and flats
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder
You can lean on me
Cry on my shoulder
If I'm Obelix
You are my boulder