the state of my music (Rant/Note) lyrics
by ilomilo
[Post 1]
hi. i'm prod.ilomilo, or mentally ill milo. i wanna talk about the state of my music. i'm at a point where when i -want- to make music, i make it, then i plan an album and i -don't want- to make that album. my feelings are sporadic and...
[Post 2]
it drives me crazy. it makes me feel like i'm letting you guys down. hell, darkday was supposed to come out in august. i even missed the release date i was -so so- sure of by a day. it's out but it felt like a burden almost. and it especially felt like i was letting you guys down when i'd release little singlеs like cynical when i had an album planned that i did nothing for.
[Post 3]
еxcept it was almost impossible for me to pick back up an album that i was passionate about at the beginning of the rollout. and making little vocal samples into a cute, sh*tty song was fun to me. i blamed school for darkday's delay, but then i literally released a whole ep out of those sh*tty vocal tracks during the f*cking school year.
[Post 4]
i'm saying for now that i'll go on hiatus, but even i know that won't happen because making music is fun. the problem is that it's only fun when i don't know that i have to complete an album. it feels good when i drop loose songs. it felt good then and it feels good now. i want to make a loosie right now. but it makes me feel f*cking terrible making loosies when it just took me two months to release an album with only a handful of songs to finish. the tasters literally take more than half of the songs off my plate, like they're done. but four songs still took two months to make. nightlight's rollout was so much better. it started with "trek" on 4/1 and ended with the album on 5/13. barely more than a month. but that isn't even a good argument cuz that album is audibly more sh*tty than darkday. but still.
[Post 5]
i guess all i can really say is i'm so f*cking sorry. you guys don't deserve that wait. my plays went from 501 to 525 in two days so you can tell you guys really wanted the album. the accurate thing to say right now is that i'm taking a break -from making albums.- i'll drop loosies whenever, as long as you guys promise you won't be mad if i disappear for months lol. maybe in the summer when i'm free i'll make an ep or even an album. but it's hard to right now. also, i'm discontinuing the monthly mixtapes because last month's was literally two songs packaged together that i already packaged together lmaoo. goodbye, ily, tune in to the darkday q&a tomorrow, seeya. - prod.ilomilo
[Post 6]
forgot to say: bandlab has been really slow and buggy lately so that's been effecting music making too. it's reeeeeally annoying, getting that same sOmEtHinG wEnT wRoNg page every five minutes. bandlab, if you read this, fix it. it's ruining your site.