I see you got my message
Thanks for dropping by
I just thought of something I wanted to remind you of
And then I’ll let you fly
You know:
Being in here gets you thinking
When you’re looking out through the bars
It makes you think about relationships
And I’ve been thinking about ours
And I keep coming back to
The one thing I wanted to say
I’m gonna kill you someday
I’m gonna kill you someday
Someday I’ll find a way
And I will kill you
Now I admit I’ve done debatable things
For the benefit of humankind
My crimes led to convictions
But my convictions led to crimes
And when you came along to save the world
With your garish cape and stupid name
You took all of the credit
So I took all of the blame
Can’t change that and
I guess these things happen
But still all the same
I’m gonna kill you anyway
I’m gonna kill you someday
Someday I’ll find a way
When it’s your time to go
I just hope you know
It’s gonna be my hands around your throat
I get a little tiny bit closer each time I try
You’re gonna die
Soaring through the sky on a rocket pack I designed.
When you were two, you fly now too, big whoop-de-do.
The same world in need of rescue, but from who?
I say from you
I’m not mad because you caught me
I’m not mad because you always win
I’m not mad about that fact you got the perfect girl
I’m not mad about your perfect chin
I’m not mad because you’re stronger
I’m not mad that all my plans fall flat
I’m not mad because you made me lose all of my hair
Okay I might be a little bit mad about that
I’m not mad in any sense of the word
I’m not angry, I’m not insane
But it makes me rage and babble
To see this mindless rabble
Choose alien brawn over human brain.
You’re so great and I’m a megalomaniac.
You don’t have a clue and I’m smarter than Brainiac
My only crime
Was wasting my precious mind— I mean, time
Trying to help these gullible apes to reach the sky
But why try? They fall all over themselves when you fly by
And that’s why
I’ve gotta kill you someday
I’m gonna kill you someday
Someday I’ll find a way
And it don’t matter where, it don’t matter when
And though I may lose again and again
Remember there’s just one thing you’ve got to keep in mind
I only need to win one time