Blood For Blood lyrics
by Deströyer 666
I bring you abject decadence
I glorify the violence of cowards and fools
I sell your lives like cattle
And whore your daughters to the world:
I am alpha and omega
And I can pedal desires like drugs
Get your crack whores high like dogs
I can rant and rave any liberalist sh*t
Do my ways appease you? Does my cruelty please you?
You seek arrogance like a dog seeks his master's hand
Blood for blood!
So where is it we find ourselves?
Once around and back again
Is this how it was meant - that we should end like this?
I think not
Have the gods not failed enough, that we must conjure more?
Why confuse the issue with endless metaphor?
Why say anything at all..?!
But this is not our way - not you, nor I
We shall have our day, we shall defy!
We shall not cower beneath the tyrant's heel
Before the master's whip - we shall not yield
We will never die!
We shall not break, we shall not kneel
We will always fight!
You will always hear...
Hear our war cry:
Blood for blood!