Plan and Execution (Script) lyrics
by Better Call Saul
( Tires screech )
( Insects chirping )
( Metal scraping )
( Dog barking in distance )
( Metal scraping )
( Dog barks in distance )
( Train whistle blows in distance )
( Dog barks in distance )
( Chirping continues )
( Dog barks in distance )
( Chirping continues )
( Dog barks in distance )
( Chirping continues )
( Vehicle beeping )
( Engine shuts off )
( APM Music's "Reason to Smile" plays )
( Bell dings )
♪ ♪ Shower.
( Cash register clatters )
♪ ♪ Thanks. ♪ ♪
( Cash register beeps, clatters )
♪ ♪ ( Keys jingle lightly ) ♪ ♪
( Lock disengages )
( Insects chirping )
( Glove box opens )
( Egg timer clicking )
( Egg timer ticking )
( Ticking continues )
( Egg timer rings )
( Ringing stops )
( Vehicle beeping, engine starts )
( Insects chirping )
( Brakes squeak )
( Engine shuts off )
( Metal scraping )
( Dog barks in distance )
( Chirping continues )
( Metal clinks lightly )
( Metal scraping )
( Blowing )
( Wheels clacking )
LENNY: "I'm not afraid of death. What can death bring that I haven't faced? I've lived. Life is the worst. Listen to me, I'm a philosopher."
( Upbeat voice ) "Listen to me, I'm a philosopher." ( Unconcerned voice ) "Listen to me, I'm a philosopher." ( Somber voice ) "Listen to me, I'm a philosopher." ( Reasoning voice ) "Listen to me, I'm a philosopher." ( Speaking quickly ) "Listen to me, I'm a philosopher." Joe, you must do this. You must, must, must. "Love, that's a trap." (Tires screech) (Grunts)
SAUL: Get in! We need to reshoot! 300 bucks for 90 minutes! C'mon!
LENNY: (Normal voice) Uh, I have a break in an hour. Or maybe...
SAUL: No, you're not hearing me, 400 bucks if you get in the car right now. And... And I will set your boss straight if he gives you any grief. (Sighs) I-I will sue his ass for wrongful termination and age discrimination if he fires you. Hey, hey, hey, come here, come here. How often do we get a chance to use our craft and shine, huh? To really slide inside the skin of yet another human being and make the kind of magic that other people only dream of? Now, listen! (Sighs) Seize the day. Carpe diem. Don't live with regret. "Let nothing stand in your way." There's the spirit that takes people places. Come on. But buckle up. I don't wanna lose you through the windshield. (Tires squeal) (Alarm beeps)
JOEY: This... is a Canon XL2. Three CCD, top-of-the-line, the crème de la crème. 20-time optical zoom, but also has interchangeable XL lens capability. Image stabilization, built-in filters... Variable frame rates, multiple aspect ratios, your choice. Well... it would be your choice, if any of you were allowed to use it. This here is what professional videographers use. This is for art. This... is not for you. This is for you. 340 lines of so-called resolution... suitable for recording your sister's second wedding, local community board meetings, or pοrn mit-out plot.
STUDENT: Yeah, hello. Excuse me. Professor Tanis said that we'd have access to the good cameras.
JOEY: Oh. Professor Tanis said that. Well, Professor Tanis does not represent the views of the equipment center. I represent the views of the equipment center. Okay? So... the "good" cameras? Those are for the few. The proud. The auteurs. Capisce? Okay, these are, uh, depth-of-field charts. Study them. Don't get lost in the Circle of Confusion. Can't tell your story if you can't keep things in focus. And, uh, I have some very important responsibilities elsewhere on campus, but I'll be back. And, fair warning, there's gonna be a quiz later. Probably. Don't touch the equipment! I'll know.
Saul sighs
SAUL: What are you doing teaching a class? I told you, we have zero time.
JOEY: You have time to discuss my fee?
SAUL: "Discuss your fee?" Your fee is your fee.
JOEY: That's right, and in this emergency situation where I'm... Where I'm pulled from my collegiate duties, my fee's $500.
SAUL: $500?! What?! We did the same job last week for $100.
JOEY: If you think this is the same, feel free to go find someone else.
SAUL: What? No. $500! Fine! Jesus.
JOEY: Five. Pinky promise?
SAUL: Pinky, all the fingers. Just... don't tell the others.
JOEY: Right choice. You're paying for the best.
SAUL: The best ass reaming.
JOEY: That'd be extra.
SAUL: Okay. We're gonna shoot over here, trees in the background, throw it out-of-focus. That work?
JOEY: I'll make it work.
SAUL: How's my boy looking?
Oh, I-I-I think better today. I used a foundation that's a little closer to his skin tone, and I found a spirit gum that isn't so gunky, so it makes the moustache look more natural.
SAUL: I like it, looks good...
JOEY: Yeah, hold on. You wander too far from the Shire?
We're in rehearsals. It's a live action musical tribute to "The Dark Crystal." I'm Kira, the Gelfling.
Joey scoffs
JOEY: Pretty sure it's pronounced "Barf-ling."
SAUL: Okay. Leave her alone. Just set up what you gotta set up.
JOEY: Gotta go get my stuff, chief.
SAUL: No, it's taken care of.
I'm here! I'm here!
That's the face. Look serious. I just grabbed everything. Hi. I got three rolls of Tri-X and Plus-X 'cause I didn't know which one you'd want...
JOEY: Wait, wait, wait... You touched my stuff. Nobody touches my stuff but me!
SAUL: Truer words were never spoken. Okay. Get it in gear. We're on a deadline. Thank God...
SAUL: You're sure of this? Absolutely sure?
KIM: We want it to look right, right?
SAUL: Yeah, I know, but I can do it. I mean, I was around your cast almost as much as you were. Here, gimme the bag. You get back in the car, bust the speed limit, and you'll still make that lunch.
KIM: Jimmy. This is where I need to be.
Saul sighs
Is my light meter in here? It's in there.
KIM: Hello, Lenny, can I have your, uh...
SAUL: Left arm.
KIM: Left arm?
LENNY: Of course. What's...?
SAUL: Your character has a broken arm now.
Lenny gasps
It's not here. It's not here.
LENNY: The plot thickens. This changes everything.
SAUL: Nothing changes.
Did you grab my NDs?
I grabbed everything.
LENNY: Well, I-I must have a new backstory.
KIM: Can you just hold your arm still, though?
JOEY: I don't see them.
Check the side pocket.
SAUL: Think of the broken arm as symbolic.
LENNY: Ahhhh, I see. Symbolic.
Got 'em. Going with the Plus-X.
Try not to talk, Lenny.
SAUL: Your character motivation remains exactly the same. You're on a covert mission to accept a very important package, and you want to play it casual, okay, but knowing, you know? An air of mystery, intrigue, conspiracy... You know what? Probably best if you just look sleepy.
JOEY: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. That supposed to be a cast?
SAUL: Clock's running. C'mon, guys, let's go.
Hey. Hands.
JOEY: Are you kidding me? Dude, c'mon, that's a $36 cloth camera tape from Rafik.
KIM: Bill us.
JOEY: Almost there. Keep it steady. Keep it steady! Morning light! Aces on the foli-áge.
KIM: Okay. Go! Action!
(Camera shutter clicking)
KIM: No, guys, we can't see it! You have to turn so you can see it! You have to... No, turn it so that we can... No, the envelope... When you...
SAUL: What?!
KIM: Turn!
SAUL: What? Is she... What is she saying?
JOEY: Camera reload!
KIM: Okay, um, Lenny, just... Okay, um, Lenny, why don't you try, um, walking behind the bench, and, Jimmy, pass it back to him? Right, but, yeah, keep the envelope like... No, more like flat. Flat? You know, to the camera.
SAUL: Okay, yep.
KIM: But not too obvious.
SAUL: Got it. Go.
JOEY: Shoes! Shoes in the shot!
KIM: Crap. Okay. Okay. ( Panting ) Okay. All ready? Okay, action again!
(Camera shutter clicking)
( Liquid sloshing )
SAUL: What are we looking at here?
JOEY: Can't rush the process.
KIM: As long as there's an image, it doesn't have to be perfect.
JOEY: Can't rush the process.
SAUL: Alright. That one?
KIM: Uh-huh.
SAUL: That there? And this one.
KIM: Okay.
SAUL: That one. That one.
KIM: Yeah. Looks good.
SAUL: Yeah. Okay. Ooh. Got it. What's that? Don't worry about it. You're "need-to-know" on this one. Okay. Okay. ( Door closes ) ( Exhales sharply ) Oh, God, God, oh, God. ( Panting ) ( Tires screech ) Go! Go! ( Tires screech, horn honks ) ( Panting ) ( Telephones ring in distance ) ( Indistinct conversations in distance ) ( Door opens ) Uh... excuse me, Mr. Hamlin. I-I was told I should restock the fridge before the meeting. No worries. Here. Mm. Let me give you a hand. Thank you. Uh, you're... Gary?
CARY: Cary. Anderson.
HOWARD: Mm. Of course. Cary. Cary, what happens when you drop or shake a can of soda?
CARY: Right. Boosh. I'm sorry, I-I'm, uh...
HOWARD: Here. Let me show you a little trick. Something about the centrifugal force. It pulls the bubbles from the inside of the can, stops it from exploding. Don't want our clients to get a surprise, now, do we?
CARY: That works?
Howard cracks the can open and takes a sip
CARY: Oh. Alright.
HOWARD: You know who taught me that trick?
Howard points to a picture of Chuck McGill
HOWARD: He used to do it, out of habit. Any time he opened a can, almost unconsciously. I asked him about it once. Just his way of being prepared for anything, accidental or otherwise.
CARY: Um. I'm sorry, I'm kinda new here. I have to ask... who... who is that?
HOWARD: Charles McGill. The "M" in HHM. The greatest legal mind I ever knew.
CARY: Wow. (Exhales sharply) I hope someone says that about me someday.
HOWARD: Well... maybe there are more important things.
JULIE: Mr. Genidowski is here.
JULIE: I told him you have a meeting.
HOWARD: All the parties are here?
JULIE: Rich Schweikart and his team are running late. They just phoned, about 10 minutes out.
HOWARD: Genidowski say what he wants?
JULIE: Just that there's been a development. Said you'd know what he means.
Sorry about that. They're fresh out of the bath.
HOWARD: What am I looking at? Took those about 7:00 this morning. McGill sat on a bench in Trumbull Park, then the subject you see there passed by and collected a package from McGill, tucked it in his sling. Didn't realize what it was until I saw the photos up close.
Howard sighs
HOWARD: Oh, my God. Same envelope. And the man with the moustache?
I was hoping you'd recognize him.
HOWARD: I don't, but... What can you do to find this man?
I know he drives a silver Miata, and I got a partial plate. Not perfect, but enough. It'll take some extra man-hours, and I might have to grease some wheels over at MVD...
HOWARD: Do it. Whatever needs to be done.
I'm on it.
MRS. LANDRY: Now, the secret to a really good potato and leek soup... It's not the potatoes, it's the leeks. You have to leave them a little chunky.
Oh, well, I love leeks.
MRS. LANDRY: Oh, and garlic helps, too.
That sounds delicious. I really hope I get a chance to try it...
HOWARD: Irene! How are you, my dear?
MRS. LANDRY: I'm very good, Mr. Hamlin.
HOWARD: Now, you know to call me Howard. And you remember Julie, of course.
I was just telling Irene she doesn't have to do or say anything, and there's nothing to be nervous about. Well, Cliff is absolutely right. Uh, uh, Julie, can you pour Irene a hot cup of chamomile tea, a touch of honey? That's how you like it, right? Yes, thank you. Irene, let me walk you through what's going to happen. You're going to meet Mr. Schweikart and his associates, who represent Sandpiper's interests, and it's all going to be very polite and professional, and to make sure it stays polite and professional... Mm-hmm. An independent mediator is going to keep things that way. Kind of like a referee. Yeah, a very nice retired judge out of Santa Fe, Judge Casimiro, I've known for many, many years. Oh, thank you. You're so sweet. ( Whispering ) Thank you. Mm-hmm. Oh, my goodness. I'm just so glad this is all going to be over soon. Well, we all know the saying, "The wheels of justice turn slowly..."( Chuckles ) Things probably won't be over today. Uh, there's a chance, but we're fighting very hard to get you and your friends what you deserve, and the other side's fighting hard for their clients, so this is one very big, very important, and very slow step towards justice. Full disclosure, we're probably looking at... what, Cliff? Oh, I'd have to say 1 1/2 to 2 years, minimum. Of course, you're the class representative, and if you hear a deal of your liking today... Oh, no, no, no, no. I-I am not going to do anything that you don't tell me to do. Well, we will advise you to the best of our ability, I can assure you of that. ( Knock on door ) All the parties are here, and Erin has the out-of-state reps dialed in on the Polycom. Main: Fantastic. And Judge Casimiro? In the waiting area, ready to come in once we're all assembled. ( Horn honks in distance ) Excellent. Well, this is it, then. We'll freshen this up for you in the conference room. Thank you. Now, let's get you down there in style. Um, I'm fine walking. Of course. I'd feel better making all of this as easy for you as possible. Thank you for indulging me, Irene. Now, is there anything else to make you comfortable? Are you hot? No, I'm very comfortable. Anybody else hot? Ummm... I'm good. ( Chuckles ) ( Indistinct conversations in distance ) ( Phones ring in distance ) ( Grunts ) ( Exhales slowly ) And I believe we're just moments away... And here they are. Good afternoon, everyone. The team has entered room along with your class representative, Irene Landry. Howard. ( Chuckles ) Cliff, good to see you. Rich. Yeah. You remember Alvin and Phil... Hi. And this is Daniela and Edwina from Sandpiper. Of course, great to see you again. Rich, I don't think you'vemet Irene Landry. No, I haven't, but it's nice to put a face to a name. Hello, my dear. Rich Schweikart. It is so nice to meet all of you. There are so many people. Julie, I think it's time to invite in the mediator. Right away. Hang tight, everyone, now that all the parties are here, the mediator will be invited in... ( Polycom beeps ) Um... Hamlin: Congratulations are in order, I hear. Whoops, hello? I read the... Hello? We still have everyone? Schweikart: That was a bear of a case. Terrific outcome. Hello? Did we lose anyone? Well, truth be told, I had Alvin here do the heavy lifting. Ms. Valco in Provo, you still on the line? Had a case before O'Dwyer... Uh, copyright. Smart guy. Can you unmute and let us know? Phil, didn't you second-chair a trial in front of O'Dwyer a month after you joined us? Phil: More or less. ( Chuckles ) Thrown into the deep end. Ms. Valco: Yes, I'm here, Miss Brill. Hamlin: Good training for trials. Great. Um, well, if any of you get disconnected, just dial back on the same number you were provided, followed by the access code, then press pound... And who rose through the ranks faster than you, huh?... the little tic-tac-toe button, and you'll jump right back in. ( Door opens ) And it looks like our mediator has arrived, so we'll get started. We've got you right there at the head of the table. Is there anything I can get you? I'm absolutely fine, thank you. I am a pencil and notepad person. All I need. ( Sighs ) Hello. I know we're all anxious to get things started, but you'll have to suffer through my traditional spiel, unfortunately. My name is Rand Casimiro, and I am your mediator for these proceedings. Now, I'm happy to be here, but at the end, hopefully, all of you in the room and those listening from various locations won't be happy with me. And why do I say that? Because the best solutions mean compromise. It's compromise from both sides. That's my goal. But as my wife always says... Compromising doesn't mean I'm right and she's wrong. ( Chuckles ) So let us move forward with the b... Shhhh-huh. Howard? ( Sighs ) I, um... wow. ( Clicks tongue softly ) I'm... I'm sorry. I don't think we can proceed with these negotiations today. Schweikart: Why not? Let's just say... circ*mstances beyond any of our control. Well, I'm going to have to insist that you be more specific. Well, our mediator here keeps using the word "compromise" when he, in fact, is compromised. I beg your pardon? I think you heard me. Main: Howard... You drive a silver Miata, correct? I do. And this morning, around 7:00 a.m.? You walked across Trumbull park in town. No. You didn't stop at the park this morning. I didn't. I got to Albuquerque early, not at 7:00 a.m. And I didn't go to a park. You're sure. Howard, if the judge says he's sure, then I... Of course I'm sure. If it matters, I arrived in town about 10:00. I stopped at a gas station. I went by a liquor store and bought a gift. I had a lunch salad and a very nice latte from the Flying Star on Menaul. I read Barron's. Then came here. Hamlin: Mm. So you weren't in town to visit our mutual acquaintance, James Morgan McGill. Or maybe you know him as "Saul Goodman." I don't know anyone by either of those names. Okay. You want to go that way? Julie, go to my desk, please. There's an envelope... with photos. Bring it to me, quickly. O-Okay. Howard, can we have a sidebar? I'm sorry, these photos. ( Door opens ) These are photos of me? ( Door closes ) They show exactly what I'm describing. You were following me? ( Breathes deeply ) I had a private investigator following Jimmy McGill. You were photographed receiving what I estimate to be a $20,000 payoff this morning in the park. I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, this is just... ( Clears throat ) You recommended this judge as a mediator, and we agreed, and now... Jimmy... Jimmy McGill, who... Who originated this suit is... What? A-Admittedly, i-it all sounds a bit baroque, but when you see the photos, things will be clearer. Well, I'm looking forward to that. ( Sighs softly ) ( Door opens ) Julie: I have the pictures, Mr. Hamlin. Hamlin: Thank you, Julie. ( Envelope rustling ) And now... Take a look. Is that supposed to be me? I, uh... This is... ( Photos rustling ) This is not... Julie, you got the wrong envelope. That was the only one on your desk. Look again. They... They've been switched. Somehow he switched them. Howard... No, Jimmy, he snuck in somehow, and... These are not the pictures I saw. Mr. Hamlin, are you alright? Your eyes... I am fine! This is all something that will be sorted out, I am confident. I think a recess is in order. Nobody move! Evidence has been tampered with. Now, Howard. Please. Is this how these usually go? What are you doing?! I told you, this is a campaign by Jimmy to take me down... You are blowing this. You need to take a long, deep breath and apologize to everyone for what you just did. Of course. I'll call my P.I. He has the negatives. ( Cellphone dialing ) Listen to me... No, no, no. The original photos will prove everything. Howard... Just wait. You'll see. ( Not-in-service rapid beeping ) Okay. Uh, this isn't... ( Breathing heavily ) Alright, I'm going to figure out what the hell is happening. Howard. ( Door opens ) Judge... I... I don't know what to say. I suppose... there really is nothing tosay. Best of luck, Cliff. Erin Brill: If everyone could just stay on the line, that would be preferable. The situation here is fluid, and we will update you as soon as possible. Uh, we've, um... we've reconsidered our position. We're going back to our previous offer. That stands until end of day. And tomorrow, we reduce it by a million, and then another million the day after that. ( Sighs ) Our best to Howard. ( Taps on door ) Did you call a doctor? ( Whispering ) One is on the way. Hamlin: Cliff? Is that you? I'm not crazy. And I'm not on drսg. Please, come in... Now, somehow, someway, that son of a b¡tch gave me something that dilated my pupils. I don't know what, but it's wearing off already. Look. You say that Jimmy McGill drսg you. How is that possible?
The photos, they were wet with... something. The missing photos. Yeah, my P.I., Genidowski. He had to have been in on it. He... He must have shown me one set of photos, and then switched them after I left the office.
CLIFF: Howard...
HOWARD: Three weeks ago, Julie got a call from our detective agency. They wanted to update their contact info... So, of course, she changed the number in the system. But it turns out... It wasn't them. That was Jimmy. So when I needed an investigator to follow Jimmy, I called his fake number and his fake man. She just dialed the old number, and of course, got the actual agency. And, no surprise, no one by the name of Genidowski had ever worked there. I hired a con man. I got played... every step of the way. I know what it sounds like, but you have to believe me.
CLIFF: I... It doesn't matter. Rich went back to the previous offer. I'm going to recommend to the class that we take it.
HOWARD: No. No way. We do not let Jimmy win this.
CLIFF: Why would Jimmy even do this? He's a profit participant, this means less money for him...
HOWARD: Because he's a child. He wants his money now. He begged me months ago to settle. You know what he does. Whatever the truth is, we'll never get back to where we were before mediation.
CLIFF: We have to settle. I'm lead attorney. And I won't sanction that decision. Then I'm obligated to go to the partners and explain everything I've seen. All of it. You think you're going to be able to convince them it was all Jimmy McGill?
HOWARD: Okay, then, we go to trial. Cliff, this case is incredibly strong. I put this thing in front of a jury, then everybody will know...
CLIFF: I'm not thinking about you, Howard. I'm not thinking about Jimmy. I'm thinking about the time, the expense, the uncertainty. I'm thinking about our clients.
CLIFF: Hello, everyone. Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the wait. This is Clifford Main, lead counsel, speaking, and I'm here with some good news. An offer's been made and accepted by Mrs. Irene Landry, which is going to make all of you, I believe, very satisfied.
( Static crackles )
( Speaking Spanish )
( Chuckles )
( Sighs ) Eh. ( Sighs ) Mother-of-All meth labs. Adiós. ( Telephone ringing ) Casa Tranquila. I'm sorry, I'll have to find someone who speaks Spanish to help...
LALO: Oh, no, it's fine. Just... I'm looking to speak to one of your residents. Hector Salamanca? I'm a relative.
Of course, just a moment.
( The Scoring House's "A Relaxing Interlude" plays ) ♪ ♪
( Line clicks )
( Line clicks )
( Cellphone clicks shut, music stops )
( Water dripping )
( Breathing heavily )
( Sighs )
( Exhales slowly )
( Breathing heavily )
( Cellphone dials )
( Line rings )
LALO: Casa Tranquila. Yeah, sorry, I think, um, I lost the connection. I'm trying to reach Hector Salamanca.
Yes, sorry about that. Let's try that again. Hold on.
( The Scoring House's "A Relaxing Interlude" plays )
( Line clicks )
( Telephone rings )
Hello? Yes. Here's Hector.
LALO: Hector?
( Bell dings )
( Bell dings )
( Bell dinging )
LALO: Tío. Tío.
( Dinging continues )
( Dinging stops )
( Suspenseful music plays ) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Michael. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( Sighs ) ( Water dripping ) ( Camera shutter clicking ) Reporter: and that's great, if you can all scooch in just a little more. Mm-hmm. And look at my hand, big smile, guys... ( Camera shutter clicking ) And that's great. Thank you, everyone.
Executive Director: Oh, Gustavo, we can't thank you enough for being such a friend to Youth Development.
GUS: Hey, it's not only me. Every Pollos Hermanos employee is committed to giving these young people the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
Can you say more about why you chose this organization?
I think of the guidance that I had as a child. If we can make an impact early, we not only help the children, but we help the world. Uh, if you would excuse me for just a moment.
Oh, of course.
( Tape recorder clicks ) When? 20 minutes ago. Now, you're gonna need to cut this short. Too many civilians, kids... I've got guys sweeping outside right now, but this is an uncontrollable situation. He would not attack me here. Mm. You wanna bet the farm on that? We need home court advantage, which is you in the safe house and him thinking you're alone. You need to get in your car and drive calmly home, business as usual. We'll be hidden, but we'll be on you every step of the way. I've pulled guys off all the low-priority targets to cover you. The laundry? Tyrus is there with his crew. Aside from that, it's all hands on deck at your house. The trap is set. Salamanca shows up, he goes down. ( Sighs )
Cut to Saul and Kim watching Born Yesterday in their apartment
BILLIE: Not the pope... Alexander Pope.
DAWN: "The proper study..."
BILLIE: "Of mankind is man."
DAWN: "of mankind is man." 'Course, that means women, too.
DAWN: Yes, I know. I've been doin' some studyin' of a different mankind lately, like the ones you told me...
Knock on door
DAWN: ...Thomas Jefferson last week, and this week, Tom Paine.
Saul sighs
SAUL: Y'know, we don't have to get it.
Knock on door
KIM: We should probably get this over with.
SAUL: I'll get it. Just in case Max Schmeling comes in swinging.
Saul gets off the sofa as Kim pauses the movie. Kim watches a breeze blowing over a candle as Saul opens the door.
HOWARD: Can I come in?
SAUL: Yeah. Come in.
Howard walks in, holding a bottle of whisky. Saul closes the door.
KIM: Howard. You doing okay?
HOWARD: I'm fine. Sorry to, uh, interrupt... this... But I brought you a gift.
SAUL: A gift? What's the occasion?
HOWARD: Your brother and I, we always had a meeting with "Mr. Macallan" after a big victory. Usually, some brilliant summation by Chuck... That goes without saying. So, this... Uh, this is for you. You earned it. You won.
SAUL: Won? Uh, what'd I win?
HOWARD: I get it. Of course you... you both have to play it this way. (Sighs) You're both so very good at it.
KIM: It's late, Howard. Do you wanna tell us what this is about?
HOWARD: I was wondering that, too. What it's all about. I mean, what do you tell yourselves?
Howard sets down the bottle. He looks through the cupboard.
HOWARD: What justification makes it okay? "Howard's such an asshоlе that he deserves it"?
He pulls out two glasses.
SAUL: We're good.
Howard puts the glasses down
Pops the cork and pours himself a glass
HOWARD: ...what is it? I sided with Chuck too often? I took away your office, put you in doc review? (Chuckling) All of the above? Howard's daddy helped him get to the top, but you both had to struggle. "Howie has so much, and we have so little, let's take him down a peg or two"? What allows you to do this to me? Because this isn't just a prank. No. This goes beyond throwing bowling bars on my car. This took planning. Coordination. I mean, how many weeks? O-Or was it months? It couldn't have been easy. So, tell me... why? Why go through this elaborate plot just to burn me to the ground?
SAUL: Burn you to the ground? (Chuckles) Howard, come on. Y-You'll be fine. You always land on your feet.
HOWARD: Yeah, sure. The Sandpiper settlement? HHM's share will be substantial, absolutely. Even though I humiliated myself. And my clients and peers will whisper that Howard Hamlin's a drսg addict... you're right. I've worked my way through worse. Debt. Depression. My marriage falling apart. Oh, yeah. I've been sleeping in the guest house for the better part of a year. Ah, just one more thing good ol' Howard has to work through.
Sets down his glass and sighs.
HOWARD: But, yes, I will land on my feet. I will be okay. But you? Far from it. You two... You two are soulless. Jimmy, you can't help yourself. Chuck knew it. You were born that way.
Turns to Kim
HOWARD: But you? One of the smartest and most promising human beings I've ever known... and this is the life you choose.
SAUL: Alright, you're too tight to drive. I'm calling you a cab. Let's go.
HOWARD: Oh, good. Phony compassion No, very, very believable, but I'm far from done.
KIM: Oh, no, no, no. You are done, Howard. (Sighs) Sorry, but you need to stop this now, and you need to go home.
HOWARD: You're perfect for each other. You have a piece missing. I-I thought you did it for the money, but now it's... it's so clear. Screw the money. You did it for fun. You get off on it. You're... You're like... Leopold and Loeb. Two sociopaths.
SAUL: Alright, that's enough.
HOWARD: No, you know it's true... you just don't have the guts to admit it.
KIM: Great, now you need to go.
HOWARD: I'm going to make it clear to everyone, because I'm going to dedicate my life to making sure that everybody knows the truth.
Saul and Kim notice a breeze blowing over the candle as the door opens. Suspenseful music plays.
HOWARD: Believe it. You can't hide who you really are forever.
Saul gasps as Lalo enters behind Howard
SAUL: How?
KIM: H-Howard. Howard. Howard, you need to leave.
HOWARD: Who are you?
LALO: Me? Nobody. I just need to talk to my lawyers.
Howard scoffs
HOWARD: Oh, is that right? You want some advice? Find better lawyers.
KIM: Howard, please. J-Just... Just turn around.
LALO: No, no, no, no, no. Take your time.
HOWARD: What's this about?
Lalo draws a pistol from his pocket and screws on a suppressor
KIM: Please. Ple... Uh... Please, just tell us what you want.
LALO: Well, like I said. To talk.
HOWARD: I, uh... think I'm in the middle of something. Uh... T-There's really no need to...
Lalo points his pistol at Howard's head and shoots him in the head. Howard falls onto the ground
SAUL: Oh, sh*t!
KIM: Howard!
SAUL: Aw, sh*t!
KIM: Oh, my God!
SAUL: Please, no!
KIM: Oh, my God!
LALO: Shh.
SAUL: No, no!
LALO: Shh. Shh. Sh-sh-sh-sh-shhhhhh... Okay. Let's talk.