When You’re Driving Through the Moonlight lyrics
by Julie Andrews
When you’re driving through the moonlight on the highway
When you’re driving through the moonlight to the dance
You are breathless with a wild anticipation
Of adventure and excitement and romance
Then at last you see the towers of the palace
Silhouetted on the sky above the park
And below them is a row of lighted windows
Like a lovely diamond necklace in the dark
It looks that way
The way you say
She talks as if she knows
I do not know
These things are so
I only just supposе
I suppose that when you come into thе ballroom
And the room itself is floating in the air
If you’re suddenly confronted by His Highness
You are frozen like a statue on the stair
You’re afraid he’ll hear the way your heart is beating
And you know you mustn’t make the first advance
You are seriously thinking of retreating—
Then you seem to hear him asking you to dance
You make a bow
A timid bow
And shyly answer “yes”
How would you know
That this is so?
I do no more than guess
You can guess till you’re blue in the face
But you can’t even picture such a man
He's more than a prince
He's an ace
But sisters, I really think I can—
Can what?
I think that I can picture such a man
He is tall
And straight as a lance
And his hair—
Is dark and wavy
His eyes—
Can melt you with a glance
He can turn a girl to gravy
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
When he waltzes, he whirls you around so that your feet never touch the floor
[PORTIA, spoken]
That's right, they don't
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
And he makes you feel that you weigh nothing at all
[JOY, spoken]
That's right, it does
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
He leads you around the crowded ballroom and out onto the terrace
[PORTIA, spoken]
That's right, he does
Did he lead you out on the terrace?
[JOY, spoken]
I guess he did
I was so faint with joy I didn't know what was happening to me
[PORTIA, spoken]
Me too
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Out on the terrace, you stop dancing
[JOY, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You walk
[PORTIA, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You stop walking
[JOY, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You talk and then
[PORTIA, spoken]
You stop talking?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
That's right
[JOY, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You start thinking
[JOY, spoken]
[PORTIA, spoken]
Start thinking what?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Oh how wonderful it all is
[STEPMOTHER, spoken]
How wonderful what all is?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Oh everything