Galapagos (For The Fish) lyrics
by Pat the Bunny
All the seagulls pecking at your face
Are bright white angels taking you away
And like the bread you once tossed them to taste
You've crumbled into tiny shapes today
Hope they fly to Galapagos
And drop your remains in paradise
Somewhere warmer than Connecticut
Somewhere where the gas is half the price
I've been struggling to recall
What your face looked like before
You dove into head first into Lighthouse Beach
With the suit and tie still on
Before the bubbles filled your chest
Strangling those lungs asleep
By wrapping them in plankton blankets
'Til the salt water turned sleet
I want to remember you as you were
No holes in cheeks from crustaceans piercing through them
I liked it when your brain was still in your skull
When your skin wasn't colder blue as the ocean
Hope they fly to Antarctica
And drop your remains in blocks of ice
Somewhere colder than Connecticut
Somewhere where the gas is half the price
When you drifted on to shore
We thought we'd seen a ghost
Or some sort of bloated seal
Draped in a seaweed coat
But as the pelicans took chunks from your eye sockets
We prayed out loud in hopes that limbo existed if only for today
I want to remember you as you were
Not some debris floating along the sea wall
Not motionless flung across the rocky shore
I want you back, breathing and selfish as ever