[BIG MAMA, spoken]
It's either education or elimination!
Now if you're so foxy
And old Chief's so dumb
Then why does that hound get the fox on the run?
'Cause he's got the hunter
And the hunter's got the gun
Ka-blam! Elimination!
Lack of education!
If you pal around with that Copper hound
You'll wind up hanging on the wall
Keep your nose to the wind
And you'll keep your skin
'Cause you won't be home when the hunter comes to call!
Oh, Big Mama. I know Copper would never track me down. Well, Copper, he's my best friend!
Ha ha! Your best friend? Now Copper's gonna do what he's been told. Supposed to chase old fox in old fox hole. Then along comes the hunter with a buckshot load...
Lack of education
You better believe it, Tod. Yes, siree
You mean Copper is gonna be my enemy?
Hey! Kid, you better step over here and take a good look
(DINKY opens the shed door to reveal various animal skins)
Why... why that's awful! Those poor things!
I'm sorry, Tod. Honey, Copper's gonna come back a trained huntin' dog. A real killer
Oh no, not my friend Copper. He won't ever change
I hope you're right, Tod
And we'll keep on being friends forever. Won't we, Big Mama?
Darlin', forever is a long, long time. And time has a way of changing things